In 1944, Frank Capra, the celebrated director, produced a comedy film called Arsenic and Old Lace. It's about two sweet but murderous aunts who put poison in the elderberry tea that was served to a succession of male residents in their boarding house and then stored...
Couples Should Be on the Same Page When it Comes to Money
Money matters are a common source of conflict in many marriages. Differing financial goals, family upbringing, spending habits, and financial histories can create tension between spouses. However, by working together, setting clear communication channels, and aligning...
Finding Good Relationships
That may take some work...Let’s face it. Not all relationships between men and women are good. Some are actually painful. Maybe they end badly or are abusive or frustrating. Some people bounce between relationships rapidly with increasing sadness and wounding. Here’s...
6 Ingredients of a Happy Marriage
One of my memories of growing up was the trip to my grandmother's house, two doors down from Mrs. Schuler's house, where I took piano lessons. Among the pool of memories I will always treasure, is the platter of oatmeal cookies that Grandma always had available. After...
SMILE Your Way to Solid Relationships
Building and maintaining fulfilling and harmonious relationships requires dedication, compassion, and a shared commitment to growth. Here are 5 Keys to help couples strengthen their connection, nurture their love, and pave the way for happier family life. S:...
Simple Tools for Happy Relationships
For most people, their level of happiness has to do with two main things: their relationships and their finances. When it comes to material things, it’s all relative. If you are accustomed to 6-figure salaries and it drops significantly, you will probably be unhappy....
5 Questions that Predict A Successful Marriage
A good marriage has a lot of things in common, while unhappy marriages are as different in as many ways as there are unhappy people married to each other. Yet the factors which make for either being happy or unhappy are often far more predictable than most folks...
5 Steps to Using Biblical Principles to Negotiate
"You don't get what you deserve; you get what you negotiate!" business writers claim, stressing that when it comes to your job review, you’d better be ready to prove your point with your boss. The fact is, however, that statement is pretty true. What you deserve and...
Husbands, Do You Need a Push?
So the owner of a crocodile farm challenged a bunch of tourists that if any of them could jump on the infested waters, swim across a distance, and survive, he would give them a million dollars. No one dared. Suddenly a man jumped, swam as fast as he could and made it!...
7 Assumptions about Love
Each of us make assumptions about love and relationships. We may not even realize that we are operating out of a set of pre-conceived ideas, ideas that may have influenced our behavior since we discovered members of the opposite sex. Yet, there are some big...