Welcome to Our Dennis Heppner Articles Archive
Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose

I recently saw a picture of a teenager sitting on the floor, in the dark, with his computer in front of him and a face that only displayed despair. I forget the title of the article, but it was about a generation without a purpose. Purpose means: "doing something that...

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Signs of a True Servant of God

Signs of a True Servant of God

The term “servant of the Lord” should not be merely a title of those in ministry. It is not a title that can prevent others from criticizing you or disagreeing with you. It’s not a title to be used to manipulate, coerce, or shame people into respecting and obeying...

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How Can I Have More Faith?

How Can I Have More Faith?

“Is there a way to get more faith? I don’t seem to be able to get all the answers I need. I feel like I don’t have enough power. My Christian life seems weak.” Does that describe your life? Jesus often spoke of faith. One day the apostles said to Him, “Increase our...

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Take A Day Off and Rest!

Take A Day Off and Rest!

Everywhere I go, I interact with a lot of people who do not rest. This is especially true of pastors, church leaders, and workers. This principle comes from one of the Ten Commandments, but it is one of the most ignored. We are horrified by adultery, murder, lying,...

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Nothing Is Impossible With God

Nothing Is Impossible With God

We are so accustomed to giving up. We either don’t believe in the interventions of God in our problems — or we just give up after a prayer or two. “I’m tired of praying.” “I don’t know what I am going to do.” “Obviously, God doesn’t want to answer this prayer.” Our...

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Trouble is Coming — Are You Ready?

Trouble is Coming — Are You Ready?

How comfortable are you with your eternal destiny? How clear is it in your mind where you are going and why you are going there? Have you come to the place in your spiritual life where you know for certain that if you die tonight, you are going to heaven? If God were...

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We Talk Too Much!

We Talk Too Much!

This could be a problem. Consider this. You have seven holes in your head. (Interesting - the number of perfection.) Two for smelling, 2 for hearing, 2 for seeing, and ONLY ONE for speaking. Here are some Scriptures about talking too much: “He who guards his mouth and...

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How to Know God’s Will

How to Know God’s Will

How badly do you want to know God's will? That is the place to start. "I have not come to do my own will but the will of him who sent me," is what Jesus said. Many of us want God's will to be what we have already decided it should be. We want Him to send us where we...

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What Should You Do in 2024?

What Should You Do in 2024?

New years are about optimism. "This year will be better. This year will be different. This year will be successful. This will be my best year! Something will change. I will change." Isn't that the way almost every year begins? And yet, it most often turns out just...

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