Welcome to Our Dennis Heppner Articles Archive
Finding Good Relationships

Finding Good Relationships

That may take some work...Let’s face it. Not all relationships between men and women are good. Some are actually painful. Maybe they end badly or are abusive or frustrating. Some people bounce between relationships rapidly with increasing sadness and wounding. Here’s...

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7 Memories of An Undiscipled New Believer

7 Memories of An Undiscipled New Believer

Here are some thoughts from Chuck Lawless on the problems/uncertainties that develop in your life if you are undiscipled. 1. I heard the leaders tell me I needed to read the Bible and pray, but I didn’t know how. I tried, but it was tough to do when no one had really...

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God Only Finishes What HE Starts

God Only Finishes What HE Starts

This principle is both good and bad for us. How many things have we started without consulting the Lord, and run into trouble? Then suddenly we call upon the Lord for help? I’m not sure any amount of begging will get God to fix something for your glory. How about for...

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You Need Some Time With God, Today!

You Need Some Time With God, Today!

Any relationship that does not sustain regular communication is doomed. So how can we move our Christian life forward when communicating with God is not our priority? I’m sure everyone reading this today would like to have regular time with God, but more often than...

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Let’s Pray For Your Healing Today

Let’s Pray For Your Healing Today

There’s a story in the Bible of when Peter was preaching in the home of Cornelius the centurion, a Roman soldier who had 100 soldiers under him. Peter preached this: “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and he went about doing good and...

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Why It’s Okay to be Different

Why It’s Okay to be Different

It’s okay to be different. Let’s begin with a clarification. I’m not talking about misfits, rebels, reactionaries, or extremists. I’m not talking about the angry ones who feel it’s their place to correct the errors of the body of Christ because it’s not operating...

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It’s All Good!

It’s All Good!

We use the phrase “it’s all good” as an expression, suggesting we are okay with what’s just happened or is about to happen. But sometimes things are not really good and we don’t mean it at all. Let’s talk about the real meaning of “good.” Every time I read the first...

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What Could You Do In One Day?

What Could You Do In One Day?

Most of us do not value time. Hours and minutes often pass without much thought. We waste time. We ignore time. I’m not suggesting we should work 24/7 or have plans for every minute because rest is important and rest takes time. My point is that we sometimes ignore...

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What is Your ONE THING?

What is Your ONE THING?

Our priorities reveal who we are and what direction we have chosen for our future. We always walk in the direction we are facing. David said it so clearly, “One thing have I asked of God and that will I seek, to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my...

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Simple Tools for Happy Relationships

Simple Tools for Happy Relationships

For most people, their level of happiness has to do with two main things: their relationships and their finances. When it comes to material things, it’s all relative. If you are accustomed to 6-figure salaries and it drops significantly, you will probably be unhappy....

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