What Could You Do In One Day?

Mar 2, 2023 | Dennis Heppner, Faith

do in one day - featured

Most of us do not value time. Hours and minutes often pass without much thought. We waste time. We ignore time. I’m not suggesting we should work 24/7 or have plans for every minute because rest is important and rest takes time. My point is that we sometimes ignore time as if it will go on forever. Here’s the catch: not one of us has any idea how much time we have left on this earth. Not one minute of the past can be retrieved.

Each of us has been given a certain amount of time by our Creator. That amount of time is something only He knows. That amount of time is the only thing you can use to lay up “treasure In heaven” as Jesus said. We have to be intentional about “banking” our resource that we call TIME.

So how is that going in your life? Tell me what you have done in the past 7 days that is an investment in eternity.

The Bible tells us, “It is appointed unto man once to die—then comes judgment.” This is a true fact. The fear of the Lord (deep reverence for God) is the beginning of both wisdom and knowledge. You have neither real wisdom nor true knowledge if your life is not built on reverence for God and eternal investment.

Each of us has been given a certain amount of time by our Creator. That amount of time is something only He knows.

Let’s consider judgment. You may not be aware that all of creation is heading toward the judgment of God. It cannot be stopped nor changed. There are actually two judgments spoken of in the New Testament.

The Judgement seat of Christ, where we as believers will give an account of ourselves to God. Our works will be judged; our motives, our idle words, our use or misuse of time. All of it will be opened up before God. As Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:10, “For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body.”

Imagine explaining to Jesus why our lives were so wrapped up in material things. Why our participation in the life of the church was so inconsistent and undisciplined? Why we refused to carry responsibility in His church? Why we rarely invested our lives in eternal things?
What are you going to say? There is no changing the results of our lives and the way we used our time on earth after death. It is too late then. Mercy and grace are what God gives honest hearts in this life, here and now.

The second Judgement is called “The Great White Throne judgment.” Every human ever created will stand before this Throne. The time for mercy will be over. Revelation 20 says, “I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God’s throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books.”

Here stands the final judgment, when everyone whose name is not found in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire. Sobering, horrifying, and yet 100% true.

I began this writing with the words, “What could you do in one day?”

Could you give “a cup of cold water” to a thirsty soul? Could you visit a sick or needy person? Could you feed a hungry man or support an orphan? Could you make a phone call to encourage someone in the way of the Lord? Could you take responsibility to disciple a new believer? Could you volunteer to be a church worker? Could you commit to praying, calling on God every day for others’ needs and the lost people in your life? Could you spend time reading your Bible and putting it into practice?

Any of these and 100 more things could be done in one day, done for the love of Christ, and would have eternal consequences.

This is the treasure in heaven Jesus referred to. It is using those precious God-given minutes to invest in eternity. You would be surprised how much eternal good you can do with just a little time that God has given you today. Good intentions and a good heart do not count as investments. It takes time.

Many years ago we sang a song titled “I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus, when He has done so much for me.”

I wonder if I could do better this year. The only time you and I have is today. We have no guarantee of tomorrow. One more minute, hour, or day of procrastination, excuses, or indifference is too much.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Do something today for Jesus. Put your most precious treasure — TIME — into heaven.

Dennis Heppner grew up in Canada and was called to ministry as a young boy. Dennis and his wife Denie, who was also called to missions as a child, pastored 4 churches in Canada, but in 1987 the door opened to come to the Philippines as missionaries. They brought their 4 eldest children with them and the kids grew up here. In 2006 they adopted Emma Rose, a special Filipino treasure and a gift from God to their family.

Dennis has been a missionary evangelist in Asia for 25 years. He was the director of LIFESCHOOLS of ministry and pastored 3 churches in the early years of his ministry based in the Philippines. He is currently the founder and President of Developing Effective Leaders (DEL), superintendent of Church of God West Asia, and the founding and lead Pastor of the vibrant, growing Church of God Makati.

Dennis and Denie and their whole family, including Josh and Melody who live in Canada, are committed to missions, leadership, and the call of Christ.

Read more of Ptr. Dennis’s articles HERE!

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