Welcome to Our Randell Tiongson Articles Archive
Stop With the Finance Excuses

Stop With the Finance Excuses

I am blessed to have the privilege to speak to and observe many financially savvy people, and one thing they have in common is that they are not fond of making excuses. Here are five finance excuses you will never hear from them: Finance Excuse #1 – “I don’t know...

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My Simplified Money Plans

My Simplified Money Plans

My life was in a financial mess despite having enough knowledge about finances. Eventually, I realized that money is more about behavior and less about skills. When I gave my life to Jesus and began to read the Bible, many things changed for the better for me,...

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I’m Still Financing My Child

I’m Still Financing My Child

Question: Hi, Randell. My child has been working for five years already but I feel that I can do more to help him become financially independent. I’ve been helping him out by giving him a monthly allowance of P10,000, instead of him contributing to our expenses in the...

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Saying “No” to Impulse Spending

Saying “No” to Impulse Spending

Question: I understand that I need to start and invest but I find it difficult because I’m impulsive when it comes to buying. What should I do? Answer: Saying ‘no’ is a challenge, especially when you are shopping. You go in, and come out with a bag or two in hand, or...

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The Importance of Investing in Knowledge

The Importance of Investing in Knowledge

"If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it from him. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." —Benjamin Franklin. This is a longer version of the usual quote “An investment in knowledge …” The author expresses a straightforward saying,...

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