Welcome to Our Harold Sala Articles Archive
Setting A Solid Foundation For Your Life

Setting A Solid Foundation For Your Life

Take a map and trace the three journeys of the Apostle Paul throughout the Middle East. You will quickly acknowledge, considering how difficult travel was in the first century, that covering the distances he did was no small feat. On his third journey, from somewhere...

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Guard Against Toxic Influence

Guard Against Toxic Influence

On November 1, 2006, Alexander Litvinenko, a former lieutenant colonel of Russia’s Federal Security Service, suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized. Three weeks later, he was dead, a victim of a toxic substance identified as polonium-210, a radioisotope that caused a...

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Start Trusting God’s Promises

Start Trusting God’s Promises

Do you ever feel like giving up? One of our listeners wrote saying that he had prayed about something and that God did not answer his prayer, so he was just giving up on the idea. Perhaps you, too, are wondering about the validity of God's promises. Everyone at some...

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What Does It Mean To Repent?

What Does It Mean To Repent?

A young man who grabbed a watch in the open market and stuffed it in his jeans was arrested and taken before a judge and charged with theft.  “How do you plead?” asked the judge. “Innocent,” replied the young man. But because of some confusion resulting from the...

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Four Elements Needed For Repentance

Four Elements Needed For Repentance

In Russia and Slovak countries, when someone is converted, he doesn’t speak of being saved or even born again. He says, “I repented!” And that act of repentance has both a public and a private side. Publicly the individual has to acknowledge his sin and wrongdoing,...

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Finding Strength in Adversity

Finding Strength in Adversity

If you had been falsely accused of a sex crime you didn't commit and had been thrown in prison with no real hope for release, and you could have three wishes, what would you ask for? I suspect you would ask for: 1) Your freedom, 2) Your identity as a person, as...

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Finding Strength in Times of Trouble

Finding Strength in Times of Trouble

When difficulties come, on what do you focus? Some look back. They are the ones who try to drive looking in the rearview mirror. Their thoughts are consumed with two questions which, like a broken record, play over and over again: “What if?” or “If only?”  “What if I...

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Start Finding Freedom Today

Start Finding Freedom Today

Troubled by the uncertainty you have in your heart as to whether or not, should you stand in the presence of God, you would be greeted with joy or rejection? Vast numbers of people are there! In fact, some groups actually teach that you can’t be sure that you are...

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This Is The Power Of Faith

This Is The Power Of Faith

A physician from Antioch, in all probability not a Jew, whom we know as Dr. Luke, wrote more of the New Testament from the standpoint of volume than did the apostle Paul.  However, the thirteen letters that Paul wrote form the backbone of what the church has taught...

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