Giving Multitudes the Bread of Life

Giving Multitudes the Bread of Life

The Bible records how Jesus was teaching more than 5,000 people when His disciples basically told Him, “We’ve got a big crowd, they’re getting hungry, and it’s late. Let’s send them away so they can buy food.” I love His answer in Mark 6:37: “You give them something...
Dear Christian Worker

Dear Christian Worker

There is often hardness in the work of God! Paul told young Pastor Timothy to “endure hardship as a true soldier of Jesus Christ…” We are soldiers of the cross. To say we follow Jesus means that we have picked up our cross and followed Jesus—and it’s time to stop...
This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

“This too shall pass” is a powerful reminder of life’s ebb and flow. When things are tough, remember that no struggle lasts forever. Knowing and believing that challenges are not permanent can give us the courage to persevere and trust in better days...
Love in the Waiting Room: A Story of Faith

Love in the Waiting Room: A Story of Faith

Waiting is a hard thing to do. Waiting when you’re in love seems impossible. It was a love story that crossed borders. Kelli met Chris when she was working as a nanny in Australia, but her home was far away in America. Their courtship was a tricky one, spanning...
A Testament to God’s Plans

A Testament to God’s Plans

Scotland of the 1840’s was as barren as the nursery rhyme cupboard of Old Mother Hubbard. The decade was known as the “Hungry Forties” as crops failed and migrant workers were driven to the overcrowded, desolate cities. In 1848, Mary Mitchell Slessor was...