Start Trusting God’s Promises

Start Trusting God’s Promises

Do you ever feel like giving up? One of our listeners wrote saying that he had prayed about something and that God did not answer his prayer, so he was just giving up on the idea. Perhaps you, too, are wondering about the validity of God’s promises. Everyone at...
The Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to These

The Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to These

With all the turmoil across our nation and around the globe, you and I need to shine the bright light of the Gospel more than ever before. CBN’s guiding mandate is from Matthew 24:14, to preach the Gospel in all the world—and that includes the world’s children. We can...
Does God Have Fun?

Does God Have Fun?

Does God have fun…or is He only concerned with weighty matters? It was the trip of a lifetime. For her 60th birthday, Cookie’s husband took her to a resort on a tropical isle, complete with over-the-water cottages. They lounged, laughed, ate, and snorkeled in...
What Does It Mean To Repent?

What Does It Mean To Repent?

A young man who grabbed a watch in the open market and stuffed it in his jeans was arrested and taken before a judge and charged with theft.  “How do you plead?” asked the judge. “Innocent,” replied the young man. But because of some confusion resulting from the...
Signs of a True Servant of God

Signs of a True Servant of God

The term “servant of the Lord” should not be merely a title of those in ministry. It is not a title that can prevent others from criticizing you or disagreeing with you. It’s not a title to be used to manipulate, coerce, or shame people into respecting and obeying...