Welcome to Our Relationships Articles Archive
Ten House Rules

Ten House Rules

Rules are made for our safety and be­nefit. Imagine if there were no rules in basketball games, then players can freely elbow their opponents. Imagine if there were no traffic rules … Imagine just how more chaotic the world will be if there weren’t laws that citizens...

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What Damages a Marriage?

What Damages a Marriage?

This was a question asked of Peter and me over a TV network interview. These are a few of our answers: POOR COMMUNICATION Shouting uncontrollably and blasting away at your mate, saying, "Well, that's just how I feel and I can't do anything about it!" As Christians our...

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Parenting Is A Calling

Parenting Is A Calling

Recently, I attended a Solo Parents Retreat facilitated by CCF’s KSP or Kool Solo Parents Ministry. It was the first Christian retreat I attended since I became a mother and follower of Jesus. As a first-time parent and a solo one at that, I am constantly searching...

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Be The Father That You Were Meant to Be

Be The Father That You Were Meant to Be

To all the fathers out there, Happy Fathers' Day to everyone! And yes, I am writing to you, dear father, you are my target demographic for this article. Remember when you were young and your father told you to, "Man up!"? Now that you are a father I'd like to tell you...

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