Welcome to Our Christine Mata Kairuz Articles Archive
Waiting and Delays

Waiting and Delays

WAITING... DELAYS... these sure are great tests for one's patience or forbearance! But these too are opportunities that GOD uses to reveal HIS PERFECT TIMING. How does one recognize GOD's timing? King David was anointed king but did not usurp or grab the position (1...

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Then the LORD God Made a Woman

Then the LORD God Made a Woman

"Then the LORD GOD MADE a WOMAN from the rib HE had taken out of the man , and HE brought her to the man" (Genesis 2:22). The word MADE literally is bana, which implies BEAUTY, DURABILITY, and STABILITY. The woman was never an afterthought. She was created as part of...

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What Damages a Marriage?

What Damages a Marriage?

This was a question asked of Peter and me over a TV network interview. These are a few of our answers: POOR COMMUNICATION Shouting uncontrollably and blasting away at your mate, saying, "Well, that's just how I feel and I can't do anything about it!" As Christians our...

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The True Meaning of Confidence

The True Meaning of Confidence

💃 Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach declared, "I want to show the world, the universe, that I am confidently beautiful with a heart." ❤️What does it really mean to be CONFIDENT in Christian parlance? CONFIDENCE embodies the idea of reliance on someone,...

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Can I Still Attract a Woman?

Can I Still Attract a Woman?

🧠There is a thought that crosses a man's mind when he goes through a certain age, most especially - between 50 and 60 years of age: "Hmmm, can I still attract someone, even a younger woman👩‍🎤? Do I still have it in me?" Well, guys, this...

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