Welcome to Our Fred Toke Articles Archive
Step Up When Stepped Upon

Step Up When Stepped Upon

Whether it be an insult, unwarranted criticism, malicious gossip, or even physical abuse, we all may experience situations where we feel like we are constantly being stepped upon. When these happen frequently, it is important to note that the fault lies not only with...

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Versatility: Be Viable Not Liable

Versatility: Be Viable Not Liable

The world changes constantly, and we must be versatile enough to adapt quickly to keep up with the time. Therefore, a vital key to success in the 21st Century is to stay relevant in the changing circumstances. Versatility also refers to a person's wide-ranging skill...

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7 Steps to Overcoming Setbacks

7 Steps to Overcoming Setbacks

1. Accept your setbacks but don't resign to them. The quicker you accept, the quicker you'll move on. Your setback could be a setup for more incredible things ahead of you. 2. Reset by visualizing yourself accomplishing a new and fulfilling purpose. Cultivate an...

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3 Simple Hacks to Get Back on Your Feet

3 Simple Hacks to Get Back on Your Feet

We all need life hacks because we are inevitably going to face setbacks. We all do. It's impossible to avoid them in life. But it is not about falling or failing; it is the way we respond that matters. The truth is, we don't have to stay down. We can get back on our...

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