Welcome to Our Yay Padua-Olmedo Articles Archive
Jesus Followers or Fans?

Jesus Followers or Fans?

"It's pretty easy to be a fan, says James Grogan, pastor of Eastlake Church in Chula Vista, California. 'A fan's investment level is shallow—tuned in now, tuned out any moment now. That's how many people regard Jesus today.'" Come to think of it, some treat Jesus like...

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Thoroughbred horses are your best horse racing bets. They're agile and fast and spirited—hot-blooded—per Wikipedia. Merriam-Webster defines thorough as a quality of being "careful about doing something in an accurate and exact way." So if you're meticulous,...

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Dead or Alive?

Dead or Alive?

Walking dead. Most of us were, before Christ. Why? Because though we breathed and ate and went about life, we were dead—because God's spirit was not in us. We can blame Adam and Eve all we want, but that's the truth; sin passed down from generation to generation has...

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Are you ready for this? “Bacon May Disappear in California as Pig Rules Take Effect,” headline. “Animal welfare organizations for years have been pushing for more humane treatment of farm animals but the California rules could be a rare case of consumers clearly...

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Activate Your Verbs…and Your Faith

Activate Your Verbs…and Your Faith

"Make your verbs work!" My two cents worth for corporate types and writer wannabes attending my Effective Writing seminars. For example, instead of, "She is fond of surfing," write, "She loves to surf." Why not this: "The sun shone," in place of, "The sun was...

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Controlling Interest

Controlling Interest

Fond of pressuring and seeing others bow to your point of view? Are you in the habit of dictating others on stuff they're quite capable of doing, or giving advice even if they're not asking for it? Do you catch yourself doing all the talking and cut others off if they...

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Gentle Whisper

Gentle Whisper

Fond of talking in whispers? Well, don't! Whispering is not healthy. I once overused my vocal chords. The doctor ordered: No talking. No singing. And no whispering. For three straight months! These happened thrice in a space of three years. And with these, a lengthy...

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Can Light Be Dark?

Can Light Be Dark?

Imagine yourself a flashlight. Better yet, a lighthouse. Especially on dark stormy nights, those on boats can find their way back to safety because of you. Lighthouses are built really high—so their bright turning lights, blinking at every 72-second interval—can be...

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Travel Light and Leave Your Baggage

Travel Light and Leave Your Baggage

Travel light. A good reminder, especially if you're a senior. Today's humungous airports are no match to achy-breaky joints. So no more check-in luggage if I can help it. I believe that's equally true in the spirit. Emotional baggage wears you down. But what does one...

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