Travel light. A good reminder, especially if you’re a senior.
Today’s humungous airports are no match to achy-breaky joints. So no more check-in luggage if I can help it.
I believe that’s equally true in the spirit. Emotional baggage wears you down.
But what does one do when anger, fear, worry sap your energy, making your heart and your faith flicker? You don’t need to own or carry them yourself.
And once you’ve tossed the baggage to Him, don’t reload yourself with it by going around complaining about it like a sad refrain.
Do you think God can’t handle it? Our great and mighty God? Creator of the universe?
You can’t hide it from Him anyway. But be humble enough to say, “Lord take it. I can’t deal with it myself.”
So blurt it all out! David was in the habit of carrying his burdens to God.
Psalm 3:1-2 “Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, ‘God will not deliver him.'”
Psalm 6:3 “My soul is in deep anguish. How long, Lord, how long?”
Better do 1 Peter5:7: “Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.”
And once you’ve tossed the baggage to Him, don’t reload yourself with it by going around complaining about it like a sad refrain. That magnifies the problem all over again—the best way to eclipse the power of God in your situation. Remember the Israelites perennially complaining of their woes in the desert?
It is finished, says Jesus. Let it go and let Jesus in. He too will instruct you on how to deal with it.
Jesus better be your anchor. Things may not go as you’ve planned. Storms may batter from time to time. But your boat will remain secure, though it be tossed too and fro.
First things first—have you committed your life to Him? Confess Jesus as your Savior now. Then He becomes your eternal burden-bearer.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The featured image in this article is by the author!