Welcome to Our Gordon Robertson Articles Archive
Giving Multitudes the Bread of Life

Giving Multitudes the Bread of Life

The Bible records how Jesus was teaching more than 5,000 people when His disciples basically told Him, “We’ve got a big crowd, they’re getting hungry, and it’s late. Let’s send them away so they can buy food.” I love His answer in Mark 6:37: “You give them something...

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God’s Glory in Our Temple

God’s Glory in Our Temple

In Psalm 91:11, we have a beautiful image of the Lord’s love and protection: He shall give His angels charge over you. Inside the Tabernacle were two angels made of gold, facing each other above the mercy seat. And it was there that the glory of the Lord appeared. God...

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The Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to These

The Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to These

With all the turmoil across our nation and around the globe, you and I need to shine the bright light of the Gospel more than ever before. CBN’s guiding mandate is from Matthew 24:14, to preach the Gospel in all the world—and that includes the world’s children. We can...

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Faith is the Title Deed

Faith is the Title Deed

Why did Jesus come into the world? He declares in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” He also tells us, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of...

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Set Free by Love

Set Free by Love

The Bible sets a very high standard for love by saying it keeps no record of being wronged. ... Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance (1 Corinthians 13:5, 7). We want to have love that doesn’t keep any record...

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Jesus, the Messiah, Can Transform You

Jesus, the Messiah, Can Transform You

“I was blind, and now I can see” ( John 9:25). A man who had just been healed said this to some Pharisees who would not believe Jesus was from God. Yet, this is the evidence that Jesus is indeed the Messiah—He performs miracles, signs, and wonders. He takes people...

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A Gift That Overcomes the World

A Gift That Overcomes the World

This Christmas season, let’s ask God for the gift of faith—that we may grasp the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe (Ephesians 1:19). We want to attain everything God has prepared for us—all for His glory. There is literally no end to the substance...

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From Praises to Miracles

From Praises to Miracles

It’s easy to praise God when miracles happen. Yet sometimes miracles have stages, and those stages can be trying. So if you’re having a dark night of the soul, wondering if you did something wrong or if God is with you—here’s a Bible story for you. In John 9:2, Jesus...

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Plant the Seed of God’s Word in Your Heart

Plant the Seed of God’s Word in Your Heart

“A mustard seed … grows up and becomes greater than all herbs.” ~Mark 4:31-32 God declares several times in the Bible, “Hear, O Israel.” The most important prayer in the Jewish faith begins with those words in Deuteronomy 6:4 and is called the Shema, which means...

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Love Triumphs Over Death

Love Triumphs Over Death

How Jesus overcame everything to obey God, die on the Cross, and rise again When we read the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ Last Supper with His disciples, both Matthew and Mark conclude their narratives by saying: And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount...

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