In this age of social media and technology, you need this book, John Busacker’s Do Less, Be More.
Most of us live a hyperactive life. We are also a hyper-connected society, Facebook, Twitter, Viber, WhatsApp, Messenger, the old and reliable email and SMS, it’s no surprise that millions of people have psychologists call the “phantom vibration syndrome,” the perception that one’s mobile phone is vibrating or ringing when it is not ringing. We are doing one thing and then we pick up our phone instinctively, take a quick look, and then put it back in our pockets.
That is how out of focus we are. It’s not just a habit anymore, it’s becoming a disorder.
People think that being super busy is productive. It is NOT! They have a word for this: multitasking. These are a few reasons you need this book, Do Less, Be More. Honestly, I felt this way. Which made the book feel personal for me.
Even though it was written over five years ago, it’s message is still so relevant. The blurb at the back of the book, to me, summarize everything that this book is about,
“The gravitational pull of busyness is seductive. We begin to believe that crowded calendars imply importance and a hectic lifestyle proves success.
Rather than live a life of fulfilment, joy, and accomplishing what matters, we find ourselves in a sleep-starved, action-addicted, technology-tethered, but unproductive whirlwind.”
Here’s what the book promises its readers:
- Measure your life in more than dollars and cents, or pesos and sentimos.
- Gracefully say “no” to the peripheral and “yes” to the pivotal each day.
- Pursue work that is in the sweet spot of your gifts and passions.
- Show up and be fully present with the people you love most.
- Live a life that is generous in spirit and action.
Aside from the many points John gives in each chapter, he also provides a variety of actions or tasks that the reader can easily do to further enhance, and amplify, the message: do less, be more. These little tasks make reading (and engaging with) the book a lot more fun!
The book is also in the now popular pocketable 4″ x 6″ format, the size of a 4R photo. It “only” has 186 pages which include the endnotes and the description of the author.
Produced by CSM Publishing in the Philippines, it is now available at many Christian and popular commercial bookstores all over the Philippines. Check this LINK for more details.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: The book reviewed here was provided for free by CSM Publishing.