What Will Happen in 2022

Jan 13, 2022 | Dennis Heppner, Faith

pondering 2022

On December 31, I wrote the following:

The last day of the year 2021 is over. The world has now been struggling for two years with this pandemic and it appears that we are heading into another year of COVID…as we sigh, we wonder, will the world ever be as before?

Likely not. COVID has changed some things in our world forever. Yet it is not COVID alone that has changed things. The response of political powers that have taken advantage of the situation and in many places are very reluctant to give up the new powers they have obtained over the masses is different. Information is confusing and conflicting as the “experts” give advice and instructions. One psychiatrist said back in 2020, “In my opinion, the real pandemic is first and foremost a pandemic of fear.”

Will this particular crisis ever end? Yes, it will. This virus will weaken as time goes on. But before you give that sigh of relief, it is only a pause before the next world crisis. It could be another pandemic, it could be an economic disaster, it could be anything. There have always been crises on our planet. Until God intervenes, this is how it will be.

We haven’t yet come to the prophesied plagues that we read about in the book of the Revelation, but this pandemic and the world’s response to it tells us something about the coming plagues—all of which will be incurable. We’ve become accustomed to obeying mandates, restrictions, lockdowns, and carrying COVID passports. I’ve heard climate change activists suggesting the use of lockdowns, restrictions, and legislation by which we can force humanity to change. They purport that these measures must be implemented to save the planet. Listen: God created this planet and He will take care of it—the Bible tells us this. The planet does not need saving. Mankind does.

The world has changed. Only those with eternal perspective and eternity in their hearts are thriving today. The rest are afraid and depressed. Eternity-minded people can see by faith the intervention of God in the future. They not only see it but are 100% convinced that God is at work and good things are coming—not for the world—but for the people of God. Only real faith is fearless.

I see the people of God rising up and fighting off the chains of difficult times, embracing life the way it really is, and speaking the Word of God to circumstances and people around them. In that action alone, the power of God is released in transformative power.

I see a new day for evangelism. We’ve come to see how truly lost the people around us are. They are lonely, depressed, fearful, angry, disappointed, and so very anxious. Into this world, we have been sent. Jesus was the LIGHT of the world, sent to shine in the darkness; so are we. New doors are going to open before the people of God.

Darkness is the predominant shade of our times. The people of God who truly know this King of Kings are the light in word, attitude, and action. I see Jesus shining through His church. People will be saved. They will come to Christ and be transformed as we speak the Word of God to them. We will gather them in.

I see the current movement towards globalism, world government, and eventually one world leader, picking up speed. The past two years of COVID have provided the perfect environment for world government. The new mantra of many is this: “People need to be controlled, mandated, watched, tracked for the greater good of others.”

I’ve never seen this particular attitude in my lifetime before. But it will continue to grow. There is an Anti-Christ coming. Pastor John Haggai recently said, “People would ask me how long it would take for the Anti-Christ to gain power over the world. My response was 2 or 3 years. But this pandemic has made me see that it could happen in just a few months!”

Democracies have become less democratic. We have lost some basic freedoms “for the greater good.” I believe this trend will continue. We as God’s people are going to have to prayerfully and carefully inquire of God before we make decisions. God will supernaturally guide His people and His church. Anyone who will look to God will never be in confusion.

I see persecution coming. The organization Open Doors says that currently, over 340 million Christians are facing “high levels of persecution” across the globe. This is one-eighth of the total Christian population! This will grow. If we intend to really live for God, we can expect to be persecuted.
This is not a bad thing. The people of God will be forced to make decisions and identify with Christ. We will have to experience the supernatural power of God in our lives, or we will turn back and lose it all. There is no middle ground.

How exciting this will become! An increase of joy from the Holy Spirit will come to the church. People will begin to appreciate their church, their pastors, their fellow believers, and their leaders in a new way. It will be like the Book of Acts all over again!

So much more will happen that is positive and exciting. I am totally optimistic that God has ordained things that are happening in the spirit world right now that He wants to do in your life. If you will become a part of what the Holy Spirit is saying at this time, if you can begin to see Jesus as He really is, your life is about to get really exciting!

When the prophet Isaiah was beginning his ministry, Israel was in a dark time of apostasy, backsliding, and God’s judgment. In Isaiah 6, the prophet wrote, “I saw the Lord.” That may be the most powerful passage in all of Isaiah. Oh, that we would see Jesus in the midst of COVID times and the coming years!

What Isaiah experienced after that revelation made no difference. He knew his anchor point. “I have seen the Lord.” If we will seek the Lord in 2022, we will rise to new heights and experience more of God than we ever thought possible!

Some of you reading this today are going to see—in other words, encounter—the Lord in 2022 in transformative new ways. So tell the devil this… “bring it on!” He can throw his best efforts against the people of God, but we are looking for the King of Kings and we will never be disappointed.
2022 will be a year filled with God’s favor and provision!


Choose today to SEE the Lord and live this new year in faith instead of fear. What changes do you need to make to let go of your fears and doubts? What do you need to surrender to the Lord? What is holding you back from fully committing to him?


Isaiah 6:5-8 “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”

Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. 7 With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.”

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Reading Plan: 1 Samuel 9-15


Heavenly Father, I believe you are moving mightily in spite of my current circumstance. I believe that I can continue to hope because you remain sovereign throughout it all. I choose to have faith and declare that you are still Lord of all, that you are in control, and that you are working things out for the good of those who love you. Just as you have sent Jesus to save me, send me to those who need you the most this year. Guide me so they too will have hope like I do.


Live by faith! Make it a goal to share Jesus with others this year. Be intentional with your interactions. Look for those who feel afraid and lost. Pray and ask God for guidance to speak life and light into their lives. Believe that they, too, will see the Lord! #NewYear #Faith #Hope #BringItOn

Dennis Heppner grew up in Canada and was called to ministry as a young boy. Dennis and his wife Denie, who was also called to missions as a child, pastored 4 churches in Canada, but in 1987 the door opened to come to the Philippines as missionaries. They brought their 4 eldest children with them and the kids grew up here. In 2006 they adopted Emma Rose, a special Filipino treasure and a gift from God to their family.

Dennis has been a missionary evangelist in Asia for 25 years. He was the director of LIFESCHOOLS of ministry and pastored 3 churches in the early years of his ministry based in the Philippines. He is currently the founder and President of Developing Effective Leaders (DEL), superintendent of Church of God West Asia, and the founding and lead Pastor of the vibrant, growing Church of God Makati.

Dennis and Denie and their whole family, including Josh and Melody who live in Canada, are committed to missions, leadership, and the call of Christ.

Extended Bio HERE.

Read more of Pastor Dennis’s articles HERE.

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