We Are All The Same Regardless of Our Skin Colors

Jun 10, 2021 | Fred Toke, Friendship, Lifestyle

We are all the same regardless of our skin colors

It is interesting to note that once we peel off our skins, we’re all the same. We all have brains, hearts, bones, and other organs functioning the way they should, regardless of our skin colors. There may be some variations but is not significant at all. Only trained forensic anthropologists could identify and note the minute differences.

Psychologically, we all exhibit the same emotions, such as fear, sadness, anxieties, and anger. Physically, we all age and suffer the same kind of diseases and ailments.

Ultimately, without exception, we all die too. When that happens, no one is wealthier, weaker, or wiser than the other. As it is, death is the greatest equalizer of all humanity.

Before that comes our way, we might as well live our lives well. And the best way to achieve that is to live harmoniously in this global village we call home. Within that sphere, we can find happiness, strength, encouragement, resource, and comfort.

To cultivate a harmonious community, we need to A.C.T. well.

A – Acceptance.

Be color blind and respect our uniqueness. Do not let our biases toward a people group hinder our ability to appreciate the individual. Accept each other unconditionally.

C- Compassion.

Love makes the world grow fonder. Be kind and serve, even the entitled, or self-centered. “A good deed is never lost. He who sows courtesy reaps friendship; he who plants kindness gathers love.” Saint Basil.

T- Tolerance.

Extend patience towards other people as we all have our own past and stories to share too. Tolerant people show depth in that they can accept different opinions and perspectives.

A 75-year study recently released by Harvard proved what many have suspected for a long time: good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Without a doubt, the world will be a better and happier place when people learn to go beyond skin deep to accept, show compassion, and tolerate our differences.

In doing so, we don’t have to go to our graves to find out that we are all the same inside regardless of our skin colors.

There’s no beauty without difference and diversity. Love unconditionally.” ― Rasheed Ogunlaru

To Make a Difference, Understand Differences.” ― Syed Sharukh

Imagine a place where everyone chooses to bring energy, passion, and a positive attitude every day.”  — Stephen C. Lundin

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.”  ― Matthew 7:12

Fred Tokè aka Dr. Tokèmon
Aspire to Inspire

Fred Tokė aka Dr. Tokėmon is a Clinical Psychologist by training, was a former adjunct professor at Nanyang Technological University. He is also a guest lecturer at the University Malaysia Sabah’s Faculty of Medicine. Besides teaching, he also provides clinical psychotherapy services to the downtrodden and the discouraged.

Check out Dr. Toke’s Article Archive HERE.

Follow Dr. Tokemon’s Facebook page HERE.

Check out www.pcl.is.

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