STATUS: In A Relationship

Aug 7, 2018 | Faith, Yay Padua-Olmedo

By Yay Padua-Olmedo

Our universe and earth-life are all about relationships, symbiosis or mutuality.

The sun’s radiation and rotation affect not only our climates and sense of night and day but also our health and overall well-being.

Plants―while giving us shade, timber, and food―provide us oxygen while they take in carbon dioxide from what we exhale.

Jesus our Shepherd continues to gather His lost sheep―relentlessly. Have you come back to His pen yet?

As small as they are, bees pollinate crops for sustainable agricultural production, on the side gratifying us, and bears, with honey. Ants rely on teamwork to escape being trampled upon.

Human babies depend on their mothers and fathers’ love and care if they are to become capable adults.

So is it so surprising that our Creator would want to carry on a relationship with us? After all, He refers to Himself too as our Father.

And He has made known His intentions in many ways. Adam and Eve were definitely in speaking terms with Him―until the fall. Nonetheless, He left the door open for them and their future sons and daughters to seek Him even if they botched it.

God gave us this awesome universe and this planet we call home. If you don’t see His hand in that, you’re blind indeed. How could every functioning and interacting detail of this amazing creation be just a random infusion of elements, or evolution, as scientists would have us believe? Sadder still is the fact that many have chosen to worship the created―the sun and moon, for example―instead of the Creator Himself.

But God, being God, was persistent, picking a bunch of hard-headed and complaining folks to demonstrate His plan and power. By favoring the Jews, was God being unfair to the rest of the world? Well, He is God and He could choose anyone, can’t He, to prove that He is God?

Look at what happened to the Jews: forever assaulted by other nations―with the holocaust as one of history’s recent nightmares; yet till today, and in spite of their neighbors and the devil’s destructive designs on her, Israel thrives―a kind of prosperity and ingenuity envied even by the West. Quite a testimony of God’s favor, patience, and protection!

And through the Jews, God sent us His Son who became a man. Ironically, they refused Jesus, the promised Messiah, save for a handful of believers. But through His miracles, and His death and resurrection, and the power He bestowed on His followers, God unequivocally revealed: “I want to have a relationship with you.” I will be great on your behalf. If only you’d follow Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Even if Jesus rejoined His Father―to fulfill His role as our intercessor―God sent the disciples the Holy Spirit, first at Pentecost when the apostles gathered, after which they were empowered to preach Jesus and perform miracles. Up to today, everyone placing their faith in Jesus gets to be indwelt by the same Holy Spirit―for power to obey and preach Jesus.

Acts 2:17, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

Jesus our Shepherd continues to gather His lost sheep―relentlessly. Have you come back to His pen yet?

Yay believes that her purpose as a Christian is to become salt and light where God has placed her. Aside from teaching Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations at Southville Foreign University in Las Pinas City, Philippines, she conducts motivational and business seminars and write inspirational materials. You can visit her blog at

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