Have you ever felt like your life is just so hard? Maybe it’s just the way you feel today, or maybe it’s been a “hard” season.
What can you do in these hard times? I know, I know … You would just like the Lord to sweep this away. Wouldn’t a miracle be a good thing today?!
Some of us have had easy lives, and we’ve been spoiled. We’re marshmallow Christians. So we struggle with losses and difficulty; we cry and pray and act like it’s the end of the world when things go wrong.
So back to the earlier question, “What can we do in hard times?”
Some of us are tougher — we’ve had lots of mountains and valleys, and we are more oriented to being strong and standing firm. We are solid-rock Christians who are accustomed to life being hard. This is actually a good thing.
So back to the earlier question, “What can we do in hard times?”
Jesus is our model. Hebrews 12:2 describes Jesus as “enduring the cross.” The word “endurance” first appeared in the 15th century. It simply meant “the ability to last.”
What a statement! That was Jesus. “He learned obedience through suffering,” Scripture tells us. Suffering built qualities in Jesus that enabled Him to endure the cross. Endurance in trials can only be built if you don’t quit.
There are some things that can only be learned through suffering. “Does that mean God causes my suffering?” I wouldn’t put it that way. We mostly want to blame someone, even ourselves, for suffering. If we can’t find a person to blame, it must be God who did this. “Why?” is the wrong question.
Think of this another way. Maybe nobody caused it. Maybe it’s just part of life! Yes, it’s hard. But God will work this out for good and I’ll be better or stronger by sticking with it.
The real turning point in hard times is when you decide, “I’m not going to be a marshmallow Christian. I can do this because Christ does strengthen me. I can overcome because Jesus in me is an overcomer. I will survive, with a smile, because His grace is sufficient — it’s more than enough for me in this time and in this situation.”
Yes, sometimes life is hard. But that does not mean it’s permanent. And it doesn’t mean you won’t make it. You will!
Read more of Ptr. Dennis Heppner’s articles, HERE.