Lie To Me Not

Aug 8, 2016 | Uncategorized

By Yay Padua-Olmedo

Lie through one’s teeth.

This idiomatic expression, meaning to lie deliberately, even with a smile, dates back to the early 1300s per the English Language and Users website.

Lying through one’s teeth implies a cold-blooded, deliberate attempt at truth-bending—”as if I never lied.”

Who knows for sure when someone fakes it?

If you’ve watched the TV crime series, “Lie to Me,” you’d soon find yourself inhabiting its main character’s persona (Cal Lightman played by actor Tim Roth); and judging the criminal, “Yes, you’re the culprit!” He sort of reads one’s body language—from micro facial twitches to eye squints to finger tapping.

Wikipedia says that the show has been inspired by the work of Paul Ekman―psychology professor emeritus at the University of California San Francisco University School of Medicine, world’s foremost expert on facial expressions.” He was the TV show’s consultant.

“I will always know if you’ve plagiarized,” I make it a point to tell new college students on first day of school. They almost always gasp in fear and disbelief. (It’s nice to once in a while shock them, hehe!)

Not that I’ve all of a sudden developed a third eye or ESP (extra sensory perception). But I use an app which automatically scans and in seconds highlights plagiarized texts in a paper, directing me to the exact website it came from.

Pity students whose papers go back to square one because they thought they could out-smart us. (Teachers are not smarter, of course, just forearmed with technology, thanks SISFU*!)

Did Melania Trump think she could get away with her Republican convention speech which parroted  Michelle Obama’s? Imagine that video going viral and she being vilified elsewhere as a copycat. Honestly, I sense sabotage or bad faith on the part of Mrs. Donald Trump’s speech writer. Should have been subjected to a “Lie to Me” grilling!

But why fake or misrepresent it? The truth is the truth! “Truthful words stand the test of time, but lies are soon exposed,” Prov. 12:19.

More on point: There is nothing hidden that won’t be revealed, and there is nothing secret that won’t become known and come to light,” Luke 8:17.

It’s cool to be a social media hit, with either your literary piece, music or design running viral. Please attribute, if you’re not the original creator.

Recall that furniture designer who won $100,000 in a popular design competition? His euphoria just as easily died when the TV show’s organizers learned his design was copied.

What to do, what to do when the accolades die down, shame takes over and regret weighs you down?

The One who sees your innermost knows. Come clean! “Repent then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,” Acts 3:19.

“O Lord, I sometimes can’t help it. I lie! Forgive me. Change my cheating heart with a heart that wants to obey you. Make me brand new in Jesus.”

* Southville International School Affiliated with Foreign Universities

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