Less Haste, More Grace

Aug 24, 2020 | Fred Toke, Lifestyle

Less Haste, More Grace

Whoever believes will not be in haste.” Isaiah 28:16 (ESV)

“Gracefulness is not possible when life is frenetic, when we are harried, or suffer from overload, time crunch, and a vast multiplicity of commitments and pressures.” – Jerome M. Segal, Graceful Simplicity

A harried life does not just rob us of the pleasure of the present; it also wreaks havoc on our relationships with others. We become disconnected from people, even those we love, when our minds get panic-stricken with the busyness of the day. We become short-tempered, irritable, and abrupt. In short, we lost the most critical ingredient in building and maintaining healthy relationships: graciousness.

It’s a word we don’t hear too often nowadays, except when someone has fallen out of grace or behaved disgracefully. Graciousness binds us to others, and it applies to all our relationships, including our dealings with employees, colleagues, clients, family, or friends. Grace costs nothing, but it scores us a lot of goodwill.

It’s paradoxical but true that we accomplish more work and relate better with others when we give ourselves time off, rather than plowing through heaps without breaks.

Grace costs nothing, but it scores us a lot of goodwill.

Slowing down can bring about a sense of calm and peacefulness that reorients us back to being present and being in the moment. Taking much-needed breaks help lower stress and blood pressure, enhances decision making and other cognitive functions, and restores emotional equilibrium.

When feeling centered, and an inner calm prevails, we can see ourselves and others more succinctly and perceive everything from a more grounded position.

There will be times when God will lead us beside still waters to restore our souls and relationships. Don’t fight it when it happens. After all, the word “restore” begins with “rest.”

Don’t be a Rush-ian. Radiate wherever you are.

Don’t rush to crush, but “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” Colossians 4:6

Fred Tokè aka Dr. Tokèmon
Aspire to Inspire

Fred Tokė aka Dr. Tokėmon is a Clinical Psychologist by training, was a former adjunct professor at Nanyang Technological University. He is also a guest lecturer at the University Malaysia Sabah’s Faculty of Medicine. Besides teaching, he also provides clinical psychotherapy services to the downtrodden and the discouraged.

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