Intuit It

Feb 22, 2019 | Faith, Yay Padua-Olmedo

Engineers, architects, artists design material objects—impressing us with structures, machines, and creations so utilitarian yet awesome.

If finite human beings can do this, why not God, who created you and me?

Consider the peacock showing off its plumage—marvelous in its intricateness. A demonstration of creative design.

Children are blessed with this intuition, this ability to believe—even if they can’t fully understand how things came about or how they work. They just believe!

So should we. Because believing is not just about clearly seeing with your yes, but being illuminated within that behind something wonderful must be someone powerful and great.

Children are blessed with this intuition, this ability to believe—even if they can’t fully understand how things came about or how they work. They just believe!

Purpose, order, function, beauty meshed together in nature and the universe. That should reveal to us a powerful God infinite in knowledge and wisdom, and who executes everything to a T.

Psalm 19:1—“The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.”

Job 12:7,9,10—“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will teach you.” “Which of these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this?” “In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.”

Evolution, random and spontaneous mutation versus creative design. Which would you rather believe? Darwinism should fall flat on its face by now—as science proves more and more the intentional design of every creature. Even us.

Yay believes that her purpose as a Christian is to become salt and light where God has placed her. Aside from teaching Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations at Southville Foreign University in Las Pinas City, Philippines, she conducts motivational and business seminars and write inspirational materials. You can visit her blog at

READ her other articles HERE!


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