I Blew It!

Oct 15, 2018 | Lifestyle, Yay Padua-Olmedo

How many times have you and I uttered this line―aftermath of our wrong decisions, hastily-formed opinions or careless utterances?

Some of the consequences? Missed opportunities or promotions. Even soured relationships.

Oh, I could write a book about my own duh-moments and mishaps. What about you?

Why such failings? Because truly, we’re all just kids!

Check yourself. Just because you’re senior doesn’t mean you’re wise. Your gray hair is no evidence!

Appointed as king after his father David, King Solomon admitted he was, “only a child and didn’t know how to carry out his duties,” 1 Kings 3:7.

Just like a good natural father, God loves getting involved in our lives, in whatever calling or stage of life we’re at.

God was pleased that this earthly king humbly came to Him for help, 1 Kings 3:10; telling Solomon further, “… since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be,” v 11-12.

He’s proven this same promise in my own situations.

I was appointed to head a team of 12 or so people in a job I once held in an international hotel in Manila. From managing just a staff of three, I’d been tasked to handle not just the hotel’s public relations function, but sales and marketing as well.

A new and on-fire believer then, I searched the scripture for guidance and took to heart this exact same promise even as I was close to panicking. But His peace prevailed. And though at times I felt like a camel passing through a needle, I survived, by His grace.

Some mishaps? You bet, but nothing compared to the learnings and victories our team experienced, like the hotel experiencing one its best financial successes―while most other hotels reeled through low traveler turnouts because of martial law.

Didn’t the Bible promise that we will be a blessing wherever he plants us?

Apart from His wisdom, we are zilch, powerless, mishap-prone. That’s the consequence of our fallen nature. That’s why we need Jesus. In Him, we are more than conquerors!

The key? Fear of the Lord! “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding,” Proverbs 9:10.

“You need wisdom, knowledge, and understanding,” I used to tell my students at the start of every term.

They can access tons of information because of the internet; but which of these are useful for sound decision-making?

Discernment comes from the Lord. That’s the Holy Spirit keeping us from “I blew it!” episodes.

Lord grant me wisdom. Holy Spirit, teach me to glean right from wrong and follow you in spite of contrary voices, in  Jesus’ name.

Yay believes that her purpose as a Christian is to become salt and light where God has placed her. Aside from teaching Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations at Southville Foreign University in Las Pinas City, Philippines, she conducts motivational and business seminars and write inspirational materials. You can visit her blog at http://nuggetslifeslittlelessons.blogspot.com/

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