The only way life makes sense is if you have an eternal perspective. The world as we know it seems completely out of control at times, unless we understand that God ultimately controls the nations and brings them into alignment with His purposes on His terms and in His time. There are no exceptions to this. Every person and every nation will give an account to God for the time we’ve spent here. We are best to live with great reverence for God. Nothing is going to happen without God’s knowledge and nothing will ever thwart God’s ultimate purposes.
The Bible over its many pages makes reference to thousands of people—but few of those people ever made a profound eternal impact. Most of the people in its history are bit players. Few are stars of the show.
Early in the pages of the Bible, “Abel” son of Adam and Eve is mentioned. His name and life are mentioned in 6 verses in the Old Testament and 4 in the New Testament. Abel lived a relatively short life as a herdsman. He took a lamb and offered it to God as a sacrifice, and by offering his lamb made it clear he was an obedient worshipper of God. His older brother Cain was a grain farmer, and he brought grain to the Lord as an offering of worship; but God was not pleased with Cain’s worship. He had somehow made a choice to serve God in his own way. He killed his brother out of jealousy, and was permanently evicted from his family and home and marked as a murderer and a cursed person.
Wow! The human race has not changed much since that happened. But here’s where it gets interesting. Hebrews 11:4 tells us, “By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain. Through faith he was commended as righteous when God approved of his gifts. And through faith he still speaks, although he is dead.”
Abel still speaks! He will never be forgotten. Why? Because of his faith and obedience. This is what gives us an eternal legacy. This is why we will be remembered even after we’ve died and passed into eternity. Abel knew God and he obeyed. Cain also knew God’s expectations, but he did not obey. He wanted to worship it his way.
Abel still speaks! He will never be forgotten. Why? Because of his faith and obedience. This is what gives us an eternal legacy.
A life of faith in God is never forgotten. Here’s where we talk about you and I. Will that be our legacy? Will our lives still speak after this life is over? Will our treasure in heaven still shout out a testimony of obedience and faith to those who are left behind?
Some of us have had difficult lives. Some of us have lived in or near poverty. We’ve probably never built monuments to ourselves. We may have few material possessions to leave the generation coming after us.
Jesus said in Luke 12:15, “Don’t always be wishing for what you don’t have. For real life and real living are not related to how rich we are.” Each one of us can easily be replaced in terms of human responsibility. The real treasure that we are has never been of this earth.
One thing remains. Our lives, our testimony, our faith, and our obedience to God is what will never be forgotten.
Let me encourage you to be like Abel! Let your light shine. Let your faith be seen by your obedience to God. Let your words express what you really believe about God. Your life will speak eternally!
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