From the Mouth of Babes

Sep 6, 2016 | Uncategorized

By Yay Padua-Olmedo

“What’s our bible study today?” asks Jayden.

“‘Living Worthy of the Lord,’ Colossians 1:9-14,” I reply. Then he flips open his Bible, looking for Colossians. Unable to find it, he comes to me for help. Whew, found it!  You see, prior, Jayden was already singing an acronym to make it easy for him to search for books in the new testament.



Unable to find it, he comes to me for help. Whew, found it!  You see, prior to this, Jayden was already singing an acronym to make it easy for him to search for books in the new testament. He could have found it, but Colossians is such a tiny book in between Philippians and 1Thesallonians; and how many times have I too missed it!

He could have found it, but Colossians is such a tiny book in between Philippians and 1 Thessalonians; and how many times have I too missed it!

So on to our Bible study—something his Mamita Vivian and I agreed to hold once a week for their household. In between our discussions, Jayden politely raised his hand several times to ask questions.

“What is wisdom?” His last.

“Remember Solomon…” I started to explain.

“Oh, yes, I remember. That’s in Ecclesiastes.”

Jayden must be referring to: “Look, I have increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me; I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge.” (Ecclesiastes 1:16)

Why this blogpost on Jayden? Jayden is seven years old!

I have bantered a few times with Jayden when he was younger and boy did he impress me with his quick repartees and little gentlemanly manners. He could even do mean mental maths!

No wonder His parents Alfie and Ella always sport that proud-of-my-little-boy look. (Congrats, you’ve raised Jayden well.)

And in this recent Bible study, he was my most attentive and engaged listener. I saw it in the eureka glint in his eyes—revelations his young mind and heart have beheld as God’s special instructions for him.

He even took notes, under the heading, “Speaker: Lola Yay.”blogger-image--614150788

But this totally floored me: “I can’t wait for the next bible study,” he intimated before I left.

What can I say?

“Praise God for Jayden!” was all I could utter. “Could all church attendees be as focused on you, Lord?”

With my heart rocking to “How Great is our God,” I headed back home, these words of Jesus having sprung up fresh as morning dew:

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these,” Matthew 19:14

I can’t wait for our next Bible study!

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