Don’t Take the Bait

Mar 16, 2021 | Fred Toke, Lifestyle

Don't take the bait

They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the LORD to care for them.” – Psalm 112:7

The Bible did not promise that we will not HEAR any bad news. There will be bad news, but as we trust God to care for us, we will not FEAR them. Jesus, Himself, declared that “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 6:33).

When bad news comes your way, do not take the bait and respond impulsively. Make sure :

  • Your feet are firmly on the ground
  • You know your environment well
  • You have planned out your strategies
  • you have calmed down sufficiently to think logically.

To ensure the above are in place, use A.P.P.L.E. to prepare your state of mind :

A: Acknowledge – take in the news/situation.

P: Pause – take deep breaths, step aside, ponder, do not act impatiently.

P: Presence – go into His Presence through prayer, praise, & soak into His presence – that’s where you will find peace, joy and strength.

L: Look around – fact-finding, do your research, find help from the right people – who can you approach for moral and spiritual support.

E: Engage – respond calmly and not react emotionally, believing that God is in control, even if you’re not.

An APPLE a day keeps the panic away.

Fred Tokè aka Dr. Tokèmon

Fred Tokė aka Dr. Tokėmon is a Clinical Psychologist by training, was a former adjunct professor at Nanyang Technological University. He is also a guest lecturer at the University Malaysia Sabah’s Faculty of Medicine. Besides teaching, he also provides clinical psychotherapy services to the downtrodden and the discouraged.

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