Welcome to Our Nelson Dy Articles Archive
Passion Fuels Purpose

Passion Fuels Purpose

The mantra “follow your passion” has gotten some bad rap lately. For example, one blogger remarked: (1) Passions are difficult to prioritize. (2) Passions change over time. (3) You are not always good at your passion. (4) Following your passion is “me-centered.” nbsp;...

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The Puzzle of Failure

The Puzzle of Failure

What can we say about those who took the right steps and made the right moves, and yet failure hounds them? Are we not taught that if we “put God first” … or claim His promises… or tithe faithfully… or follow the Bible … God will shower us with blessing and success?...

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Rediscover the Treasure

Rediscover the Treasure

The adage goes that familiarity breeds contempt. When the husband finds the wife as comfortable as an old shoe, chances are that’s how he will treat her: like an old shoe! Why? I suspect husbands (being one myself) subconsciously think this way, “Well, I have her....

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An Ode to Excellence

An Ode to Excellence

By Nelson T. Dy Excellence is its own reward. Fall in love with excellence such that you derive pleasure from doing a great job. You won't be looking for applause from people, but when they do come, that will be a happy bonus. In psychological terms, a shift from...

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