Are You Hiding from God?

Nov 2, 2021 | Bonnie Sala, Lifestyle

man in hiding

One of the best things about God’s Word is that it tells us about real people with real flaws and shows how God deals with them. Take Saul, for example. The tallest and most handsome man in Israel, the Bible says that God called him to be Israel’s first king. (1 Samuel 10:9)

Coronation day arrived, but at the big moment, Saul was nowhere to be found! So the people asked the Lord, “‘Where is he?’” And God pointed Saul out: “He is hiding among the baggage.” There, crouching on the ground behind bags and bundles, was the fine-looking man who stood head and shoulders above anyone else: God’s choice to be king over His chosen people. Hiding among the baggage.

But the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected God’s purpose for themselves, not having been baptized by John. Luke 7:30

We’ve all been there. Are you hiding? Avoiding doing something uncomfortable–whether large or small, that God has purposed for you, has called you to do? Maybe it’s offering that homeless man at the corner a bag lunch, babysitting for a single mom, or offering forgiveness to someone who has wronged you. Are you hiding from the purpose God has for you among the baggage of your life? Even after God has called us into a relationship with Him, we may still experience fear, doubt, but God can still use us. Stop hiding and say “yes” to letting him put His perfect plan into action in your life today!

Resource reading:  1 Samuel 10:9-25

It is Bonnie Sala’s joy to lead Guidelines in its second generation. Bonnie is passionate about sharing the ministry’s devotionals around the world with those who are unreached, new to Christianity or living under persecution. An enthusiastic cultivator of partnership, she has led Guidelines’ substantial international expansion. Bonnie writes and hosts “Reset with Bonnie Sala” and is an author and speaker. She has two adult sons and enjoys traveling anywhere with her husband, Kevin Condrin.

Read more of Bonnie’s articles HERE!

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