Silver Linings #2: Strength in Adversity–Heroism

May 6, 2020 | Adrian Ding, Lifestyle

Strength in Adversity

Luzon is on lock-down. And most of us are at our own lock-downs being “stuck” at home (better there than the hospital, right?). But as one person aptly puts it, we need to “look up instead of lock-down.” Yes, we have to look to the Heavens for help, but we should also be grateful and honor the countless people leaving their comfort zones to serve others in need. This is the beauty of adversity: we find collective strength to fight for life and become unexpected heroes to save more lives.

So this is a THANK YOU to all these great men and women…

To the doctors and healthcare professionals who are directly in the battle risking their own lives…some haven’t slept. Some got hit. Some died.

To the soldiers and police officers patrolling the streets, tightening curfews, and ensuring security even as they wonder about their own families at home…

To the numerous drivers who are supposed to be home but they are the ones sending you home…

To the pharmacists on their feet since the start of the day prioritizing your wellness over their own…

To the bankers who ensure your finances are intact and ATMs are readily available and operational…

To the barangay officials looking for ways to feed hundreds while they themselves are hungry…

To cooks and delivery providers, who make sure your needs are met against their own…

To grocery employees functioning daily in spite of the rampage of people hoarding, scanning items they may never have in their fridge…

To security guards who watch over establishments at the expense of not getting to go home to secure their own families…

To the news reporters who are doing their best to deliver truth even if they are confused themselves as to how many are suffering…

To business people and entrepreneurs, who are losing money every day yet still donating food, water, and relief goods to people they don’t know…

They are the most susceptible.

They haven’t had a normal life.

They don’t have the comfort you have.

And they have worries, fears, and struggles as you do. Yet every day is not just about work, but a day to serve. They are on the actual battlefield and they are the most under-appreciated, undervalued people.
Remember, they are on loan to you because they could be someone’s husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, or friend. They are THE real-life heroes today.

Still, many people complain against them without considering what they are going through.

These are the men and women who deserve our greatest honor. They may never earn a medal but I sure hope they deserve your respect.

Please consider being thankful when you encounter any of these individuals. Have empathy. Show appreciation. Help when you can. Cooperate with procedures. And stop trying to be a VIP when everyone IS ONE at this point in time.

Lastly, pray for our government officials and leaders. They were totally unprepared to face this but they are fighting too. They came together in spite of political differences in order to address the compounding needs of the land. And in spite of the smeared image we have of politicians, not all of them are corrupt. There are still a few good men out there with the right heart. And our complaints do not solve anything or lead to progress.

Let us be one nation for once. This adversity was meant to bring us together not apart. Because in adversity, we will always find strength.

Robin Sharma once said: “Stormy seas only make great sailors.” Ain’t that absolutely true?


Husband, Dad, Corporate Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Inspirational Writer and Catalyst of Change.

Founder/Lead Trainer at The Academy for Extraordinary Teens Founder, Chief Empowering Officer at Maximum Impact Philippines.

Read more of Adrian’s articles HERE.

Visit Adrian’s Facebook page HERE.

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