Silver Linings #1: Gratefulness

Apr 16, 2020 | Adrian Ding, Lifestyle

Silver Linings #1: Grateful

I was watching a video of a celebrity who got infected by the virus even if he was asymptomatic. He went on self-quarantine and did what was prescribed. After almost 14 days he says he feels better. But more than anything else, he said that this episode in his life made him more grateful to be alive.

This taught me something: sometimes gratefulness is birth out of peril when it should be something we experience every day.

If you have food on your fridge…
A home no matter how modest…
Work that supports you…
And a family behind your back…
Be grateful! Be contented!

There are many others who are in far difficult circumstances who ought to complain or be mad, but they chose to be grateful, to be alive.

I think this situation allows us some introspection. It makes us take stock of what we are to be grateful for, what’s in front of us, the family beside us and the God behind us every step of the way.

Everything happens for a reason but I hope we can wear a different set of lenses and see the silver linings. Yes, the virus is out there. But there is a greater virus paralyzing people today: “negatitis.” I made it up. Negativity is the belief that in every corner we turn, we only see the bad. The best prescription against it is an attitude of gratitude. Why? Because it makes us see the value of life and reframe our priorities. It allows us to fix our eyes on what truly matters: family, love, peace, memories — all priceless and fulfilling. And the greatest source of all these is Christ.


I’ve lost business and some opportunities. But in exchange, I am grateful for time with my sons and my wife — to recover precious moments I missed, out of busyness. I am grateful for rest, sleep and recovery. It’s a luxury I never had for so long. Grateful to re-connect with my family across the miles. And to hear that they’re safe, in good hands. Grateful to get a chance to do things I haven’t done in so long. Simple things like cooking. Grateful for more time to pray, re-focus on dreams and aspirations and realign myself to my calling and purpose. I realized: when you’re grateful, happiness is free and you will be in a state of contentment with enough strength to face any adversity. I do not discount those who are struggling now (even beyond the virus); but what I’m suggesting is for us to see the light even in the dark. Because no matter how tiny it is, it will always be far radiant.

Melody Beattie said it best — “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” And may I add: a calamity into an opportunity.

What are you grateful for?


Husband, Dad, Corporate Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Inspirational Writer and Catalyst of Change.

Founder/Lead Trainer at The Academy for Extraordinary Teens Founder, Chief Empowering Officer at Maximum Impact Philippines.

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