Your Sins Are Forgiven

Oct 19, 2021 | Edwin Arceo, Faith

A woman forgiven

Such powerful words! These words are found in Luke 7:48, “Then Jesus said to her, ‘Your sins are forgiven.’” These words give life and freedom. Jesus spoke these words—forgiven—to a “sinful” woman. It was even made crystal clear by the Pharisee who invited Jesus into his house for dinner. This woman, who was able to enter the Pharisee’s house with Jesus, knelt down, and as her tears fell on Jesus’s feet, wiped them with her hair.

She effectively washed Jesus’s feet with her tears! This must be the feeling when you sincerely recognize that you are a sinner and only Jesus can take them away. When you are in the presence of God you can only mourn your sins and ask God for deliverance.

Not only did the woman washed Jesus’s feet, but she also put perfume while continually kissing his feet. What humility! You can only do this if you know deep in your heart that only Jesus can take away your awful burden.

“Your sins are forgiven.” The most powerful words you will ever hear.

This woman’s sins were many, probably shocking and nasty, and when she experienced the grace of God, she can only come with complete reverence and humility. She did what was described in this passage because those were the only way she can show her love for Jesus. The woman gave him her most precious possession and she did not regret but even cherished it—she was ministering to her Savior, the God who took away her sins.

Have you experienced God’s love today? You don’t have to do what this woman did. You can praise Him and let others know of the forgiveness you experienced.

Edwin Arceo is the founder and publisher of Jacob’s Fountain, a website dedicated to publishing content that refreshes others so that others may also be refreshed.

He also works as the Manager for Merchandise Development at CBN Asia, the producer of the long-running weeknight inspirational show, The 700 Club Asia. He has been working here since 1994. Edwin is also the husband to Emy and a father to his two sons, Ephraim, and Edwin James.

Read more of Edwin’s articles HERE!

Woman photo created by benzoix –

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