Whose Land Is It Anyway? Part 1

Jan 4, 2015 | Uncategorized

This is the first of a series of short articles highlighting some of the evidence of the ownership of the most fought over piece of real estate in the whole world: Israel.

This because, once again, Muslim claims are flying that the Jews have no right to live in peace in their own Land. Yet again the claim is being made that the land rightfully belongs to “the Palestinians.” And this despite the affirmation from their very own Quran that “Allah” gave the land to the Jews (bold print mine):

Bear in mind the words of Moses to his people [the Children of Israel].  He said: ‘Remember, my people, the favour which God has bestowed upon you. He [Allah] has raised up prophets among you, made you kings, and given you that [the Torah and the Land of Israel] which He has given to no other nation. Enter, my people, the holy land [of Israel] which God has assigned for you. Do not turn back, and thus lose all.‘” Sura 5:20, “The Table”

Of course, the Jews do not own the Holy Land because of some words spoken by Muhammad some 600 years after Christ. No, ownership of the Land is clearly proven, not just by the land titles held by Israelis, but also by international law, history, archaeology, and possibly the oldest documentary evidence held by any landowner: the 3,600 year old Bible.

In the pages of the Bible we read about the kings of Israel and of their prophets and leaders. We read about their battles to conquer the land of Canaan, both their losses as well as their victories.

While critics continue to assail it because of the “religious” nature of its authorship, the Bible has proven itself to be historically accurate in its statements. One such statement is found in 2 Kings 3:

4 King Mesha of Moab was a sheep breeder. He used to pay the king of Israel 100,000 lambs and the wool of 100,000 rams, 

5 but when Ahab died, the king of Moab rebelled against the king of Israel. 

Below is a photo of the Moabite Stone, also known as the Mesha Stele, dated to around 830 BC.

Moabite Stone

Discovered in 1868, the Moabite Stone records King Mesha’s triumphalist version of events, but what is of most interest to us is found in these five lines:

Line 4 … As for Omri

Line 5 the king of Israel, and he humbled Moab for many years (days), for Chemosh was angry with his land.

Line 17 For I had devoted them to destruction for (the god) Ashtar Chemosh. And from there I took the

Line 18 vessels of Yahweh, and I presented them before the face of Chemosh…

Line 31 flocks of the the land. And the House of David dwelt in Hauranen…

The references to “the king of Israel,” “the vessels of Yahweh” and “the House of David” help to establish the veracity of the Bible account of the existence of the kingdom of Israel, the House of David, and the name of the God of Israel, Yahweh. Other bits also affirm truths found in the Bible such as the names of Omri, king of Israel, and Chemosh, god of the Moabites, as well.

The Mesha Stele is one of many proofs of the ancient Israeli claim to the Holy Land and of the historicity of King David and the kingdom of Israel.

While the House of David, Israel and their God Yahweh are mentioned, we find nothing to support the Islamic claim of a god named Allah or of Muslims from that era, simply because Muhammad had yet to invent Islam. And the Moabite Stone is proof that the Land has belonged to Israel and the Jews for millennia, not mere decades.

Interestingly, the Stone also contains a boast by the Moabite King Mesha that he had destroyed Israel and that it was gone forever. Mesha declared:

Line 7 “But I triumphed over him and over his house, and Israel has perished; it has perished forever!”

Unfortunately for him, King Mesha, the Moabites and their god Chemosh are now all gone, but Israel is back in its Land and stronger than ever. So much for those who try to destroy God’s Chosen People!

But if the people of Israel are back in the Land today, it is because God keeps His Word. As He said through the prophet Amos:

I will restore the fortunes of My people Israel.
They will rebuild and occupy ruined cities,
plant vineyards and drink their wine,
make gardens and eat their produce.

I will plant them on their land,
and they will never again be uprooted
from the land I have given them.
Yahweh your God has spoken.
Amos 9:14-15

Mari is a veteran broadcast journalist, host, and anchor. Beginning in 1989, he anchored various newscasts on different TV stations, including People’s Television 4 (now National Broadcasting Network), GMA Network, and Studio 23. He co-hosted Vilma Santos’ show Vilma! in 1989 and, some years later, shows such asThe Global Filipino on The Filipino Channel and The Correspondents on ABS-CBN. Mari also anchored News Central on Studio 23 from its inception in September 1998 until June 2007.

Writes his views on his blog, apologika.blogspot.com

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