Use of ‘Hugot’ Lines to Teach Your Child

May 23, 2017 | Uncategorized

By Bettinna Carlos

When #HUGOTLines tipped, I found myself jumping on the bandwagon and dropping these lines here and there, even to my daughter. These one-liners became so assimilated in my life, personally, that my words unconsciously carry much weight [with implied pain from the past—though now recalled with laughter] and used to ‘lecture’ my daughter. She is 100% of the time lost and as I expect, unable to comprehend–especially since they are delivered in Tagalog and with feelings.

Here are some lines I frequently used to teach her life lessons. Enjoy a good laugh today!

  • “Hindi lahat ng gusto mo, makukuha mo.” – You cannot always get what you want. Well, you can have them all but not all at the same time. Used on her when she tends to go overboard with spending time with her friends.
  • “Lahat ng bagay may tamang panahon.” – When she is asking about something I know she is not ready to comprehend and I tell her that I will tell her when she is bigger and older and she will understand and she still insists and asks WHY not now.
  • “Hindi lang sa iyo umiikot ang mundo.” – Because children are innately selfish. Well, we all are anyway. This is a matter of factly way of saying that It is not always about you, you or you. There are other things and people to consider.
  • Paano ako maniniwala sa iyo kung lagi mo na lang akong niloloko?” and “Bakit ako maniniwala sa iyo, ang dami mo nang pinangakong napako?” – When she makes promises to not disobey again so that I will not discipline her. This became an opportunity to teach her that her promises will not excuse her from the rod and that promises will really be broken if they are not grounded on strength from Christ. Because you cannot do things on purely will power.
  • “Tao lang, napapagod din.” – When I am guilty of losing patience and I snap. 🙂
  • “Lahat ng bagay may hangganan.” – Before when I used to give “3 chances” before spanking. I reach that point of discipline because “she was too much” already, a.k.a., you ran out of chances.
  • “Kung gusto maraming paraan at gagawan mo ng paraan.” – When you really want something, you will do something about it. Lesson on persistence and perseverance. You will exhaust all possible means.
  • “Kung talagang mahalaga sa ’yo, iingatan mo.” – Pertaining to toys. Valuing the things given to her.
  • “Ang isang bagay, kapag hindi mo iningatan, mawawala sa ’yo o kukunin ng iba.” – When she’d take some of her new toys for granted or don’t pack away, I hide them or tell her I will give them away. When she doesn’t value what is given her, she will lose it or it will be taken away from her.
  • “Hindi mo ’yan ikamamatay.” – When she’s hungry or thirsty and acting like she will die if she doesn’t get to eat or drink in the next 5 minutes. Lesson on learning to wait. And eating on time, not when she is already hungry or thirsty.
  • “Kung talagang gusto mo, hihintayin mo.” – On self-control, saving up and working hard because some things take time. And when you wait, it is more gratifying to receive what you have been wanting and waiting for.
  • “Matuto kang maghintay. Hindi lahat ng gusto mo makukuha mo kaagad.” – Lesson on patience. You cannot always get what you want at the moment you want them. The reality of life is that you will have to wait.
  • “Huwag ka nang magtanong kung hindi ka handa sa sagot.” – When she knows my answer is already NO and is still a NO, still she asks even if she knows my answer won’t change. She continues to hope but she already knows the answer.
  • “Kung gusto mo, ipaglaban mo, paghirapan mo.” – Lesson on not giving up if she really wants something. Like in sports. She said she wants to join a running race so I decide to train her a bit by running around and when she gets easily tired, I push her and tell her that she will not win if she doesn’t work hard and train.
  • “Huwag mong ipilit kung ayaw.” – There are some things you cannot force.

Did you find this article funny? Were you able to relate? I am sure at one time or another you may have also used these hugot lines to teach something to your children.

Bettinna Carlos or Mummy Bite [Bee-té] or Bites is a modern, single, Christian, working mom. Everything she does is for the Lord and her 5 year old gummy bear, Amanda [or Gummy]. She starts her day with prayer and devotionals which she shares on Instagram, with the hopes of bringing more people to Jesus.

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