True Service

May 9, 2013 | Uncategorized

Matthew 20:28, For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.

There is a seminar workshop in the Philippines called “Serving Without the Title.” Now I have not yet attended this seminar yet and this is not an endorsement. I would assume that this seminar’s inspiration came from Jesus who said to His disciples that He “…came not to be served but to serve others…”

Imagine the God of the universe, Creator of all things, coming down from heaven, born of a woman, raised by a carpenter, serving those He created. Its a concept that some may find too difficult to grasp. Im pretty sure that Jesus modeled Himself to His disciples so that they would do the same but He IS God! We are but molecules in His sight! But there Jesus was, in the middle of Israel, conquered by the Romans. No wonder so many in His time could not grasped the idea that He was the Messiah, or Savior.

And the most amazing thing is that Jesus did not care what others thought. His Father’s will for Him is to serve others and that is what He was going to do. Further along this chapter, it should be unsurprising that when Jesus was walking from Jericho two blind men who found that He was passing by shouted at the top of their lungs to get His attention. When they succeeded, listen to what Jesus said in Matthew 20:32, “When Jesus heard them, he stopped and called, ‘What do you want me to do for you?'”

Now think about yourself. Do we have the same attitude towards others where we work? Do we regularly ask others “What can I do for you, today?” If it’s part of your script as a call center representative then that does not count. Be honest with yourself.

If Jesus came to serve others, shouldn’t we also? If we have the same mind as Jesus which the Apostle Paul encourages all Christians in 1 Corinthians 11:1, “And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.” and to imitated Christ is to serve others. That is how we can prove to this world that we are like Christ when we serve others.

I imagine if all Filipinos will have this thinking we will not be labeled as one of the corrupt nations in Asia. We should really stop brandishing ourselves as the “only Christian nation” in Asia. Our actions clearly say we are not. If the people we will elect in a few days will have the same mind as Christ then I believe this county is destined for greatness.

Help us REFRESH others with the life-giving Word of God today!

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