Things I m Thankful For Part 2

Jan 16, 2018 | Uncategorized

By Bettinna Carlos

Today is my first day as 30-year old and I want to spend it being grateful.

1. I am grateful to God for forgiving me, restoring and healing all areas of my life. For not just calling me back to Him but also choosing me to be one of His children.

2. I am grateful for my Mom who has been the coolest, most understanding, most loving, most resourceful, always-available mother I know.

3. I am thankful for my Papa’s illness that God divinely orchestrated and used to break him before He could fix him. After four years, Papa is completely healed with a new kidney and on his way to complete restoration. His illness brought us, his eight children, closer and paved the way for the family’s complete reconciliation.

4. I am thankful for my Wowa Melba who continuously loves and supports all her children and grandchildren even after 18 years after my Lolo Amado’s passing.

‘Life is a gift we must always praise and thank God for’

5. I am thankful for being placed in a very modern family. How many children from the second family are
accepted by the first?

6. I am thankful for the father of my child, without him, I will not have Gummy.

7. I am thankful for my daughter who is my constant inspiration, stress-reliever, and source of joy. I am most thankful that she knows God is her Father and Friend and He is always with her.

8. I am thankful for my spiritual family. My co-parents in CCF Life Academy, Carlo and Tess Mendoza, Dior and Ron Santos, Marlette and Philip Brodette, and my mentor Heunice Ong Son who are my praying partners and whose lives inspire me to believe and cling to God more.

9. I am thankful to God for our helper Maps, now also my assistant baker, for making our lives lighter and for adding joy to our home.

10. I am grateful for Jo, my best friend and for our tested but strengthened friendship, fortified by the God whom we worship.

11. I am thankful for the car we use daily, a perfectly maintained 2003 Toyota Prado, which is lent by my Wowa but owned by my Lolo Amado.

12. I am thankful for how God has been directing my home-based baking business for six years now. How He guided me this July to come up with “The All Mine Chocolate Cake,” the product that has been sustaining our daily needs

13. I am thankful for My Father and how He is the Ultimate Manager of my career, bestowing wisdom to my manager and best friend Jo. He allowed me to be ejected from Idol Sa Kusina because He has prepared the perfect team for my own cooking show, which is launching in two week’s time.

14. I thank God for redirecting my plans of simply renting to finally owning a home. I praise Him for blessing me with more faith to obey and trust Him for provision in paying for, completing and furnishing the unit.

15. I praise God for healing my heart and allowing me to fully forgive the father of my child. I praise Him for giving me the courage to forgive and speak to him again.

“Count your blessings, one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done.”
What are you thankful for? Let’s continue counting until the new year opens!

Bettinna Carlos or Mummy Bite [Bee-té] or Bites is a modern, single, Christian, working mom. Everything she does is for the Lord and her 5 year old gummy bear, Amanda [or Gummy]. She starts her day with prayer and devotionals which she shares on Instagram, with the hopes of bringing more people to Jesus. 

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