Some of you are aware that I recently came through a bout with throat cancer beneath my tongue and underwent chemo and radiation treatment. This was not my first bout with cancer.
A number of years ago I was diagnosed with Melanoma cancer.
Melanoma is the least common form of skin cancer; however, it is the most deadly–which kills 8,000 people and produces 50,000 new cases annually in the United States. The odds of getting melanoma are 1 in 79. Someone dies of melanoma every hour. Maureen Reagan died from it. Senator John McCain has battled this cancer for years.
“Skin cancer, in all forms, is avoidable and 100% curable with early detection, but it affects one million people a year in the USA, and one in five Americans will be afflicted in their lifetime. Fair-skinned people (like me) are the biggest at-risk group, but it can affect all races.” (USA Today)
If you have concerns, see a dermatologist. My wife insisted when she spied two moles on my leg. Being “macho man” I ignored them. Finally, upon her persistence I had them examined. The dermatologist said, “Your wife saved your life!” Of course, we know there were other factors at play, namely God!
In an unofficial survey, we have estimated that perhaps about only 10-15% of the people prayed to get healed of cancer. That’s direct miraculous healing without medical treatment. (Although I’m not against doctors and medicine) But that’s hardly a good average or victorious.
The dermatologist said, “Your wife saved your life!”
Subsequently, I have also had Basal Cell Carcinoma on my nose of all places. For a TV guy like me, this “ain’t” good, but once again God healed me.
In both cases, I had some medical treatment but the Lord Jesus healed me. I am clean! (Matthew 8.1-4)
Jesus gave me a literal blood transfusion:
“His heart pumps God’s word like blood through his veins.” (Psalm 37.31 – The Message)
Doctors can do some fixing, but God does all the healing.
However, He took me through a process to do so literally letting go of my life, and “calling out to the Lord.” (Psalms 116 & 118)
The following words are part of that which He worked into my life and as a result, I am “clean through the Word He spoke to me.” (John 15.3)
Likewise, may that Word become flesh in your life.
Although the following is not exhaustive, nor is it a “name it and claim it” formula, His Word does bring life – speak it. May it encourage you, and set in motion the process of healing in your life – spirit, soul, and body.
The Big “C”… is not cancer but rather:
- Christ,
- Calvary,
- The Cross,
- Crucified,
- Curses broken,
- Spirits of infirmity… Cast out,
- Captives freed,
- Covenant,
- Commandments,
- Commitment,
- Church, (Have a committed group of people stand with you in prayer, fasting, and anointing with oil, etc. James 5.14-16))
- Confession,
- Clean
- Communion,
- Conqueror and
- Crown.
All these are bigger “C’s” than cancer.
- “You must never treat cancer as anything else than a living, evil spirit, which is always destroying the body. It is one of the worst kinds I know.” (Smith Wigglesworth – Complete Collection, Liardon, pg.322)
- John G. Lake said to a man he was ministering to: “You have cancer, yes sir, it is in your spirit, it is laying siege to the jugular vein of your spirit, and I don’t think it will be but a little while before it will finish your spiritual life. It will kill you outright.”
- “So every revolt against the Kingdom has the doom of defeat and decay written on it, just as every cancer cell has the doom of defeat written on it, for cancer cells are normal contributive cells turned selfish, they refuse to serve the organism and demand that the organism serve them, so they break the law of the Kingdom – Loving your neighbors as you love yourself. The cancer cells however they may proliferate in the\beginning have the doom of their own ruin upon them…” — E. Stanley Jones, The Unshakeable Kingdom & The Unchanging Person, Pg.219
- One may have “cancer of the human spirit.” Sin of the spirit.
An Interview of You
- James 5.1-6 (The Message translation) – Curses because of any of these things?
- “Your greedy luxuries are a cancer in your gut.”
- Luxury? Self-indulgence? Murder? (In the heart?)
- If we have wealth, how was it made?
- 2 Tim.2.17 -“The false teacher’s word will spread like cancer. A malignant sore that eats away at healthy tissue.”
- Cancer translated “gangrina” from the Greek. Any false doctrine you have bought into?
- Cut it out! Before it permeates and infects the whole body natural and/or spiritual. This is denouncing and confessing.
- 1 Corinthians 11.27-31 – In regard to the Lord’s Supper. Anything that would prevent forgiveness, wholeness, strength, healing?
- Proverbs12.4 (Good News) “A wife who brings shame on her husband is like cancer in his bones.”
- 1 Peter 3.7 – Husband wife relationships in order, “so that nothing hinders your prayers.”
- Proverbs 14.30 – (Good News) “Jealousy is like cancer.”
- Ephesians 4.31-32 – Bitterness, anger, harsh words, slander malicious behavior.
- Habakkuk 2.15-16 – “Woe to you who gives his neighbor drink.”
- Mark 11.25 – “When you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too.”
- vs.26 – “But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your sins.”
- Matthew 5.23-24 – “Suddenly you remember someone has something against you, leave your offering and go be reconciled, make peace with that person… then come and offer your sacrifice to God…. You won’t be free otherwise.”
- Is your relationship with the Lord open, obstructed, for any reason?
- 1 Cor.5.9 – Equate cancer and sin. What would we be doing to rid ourselves of it?
- 1 Corinthians. 5.9; Galatians 5.9 – “A little leaven leavens the whole lump.”
- 1 Corinthians 11.27-32 – Is there any sin or abuse that would cause us to be under God’s chastisement? “Examine yourself…so you are not under judgment. Some are weak and sick and have even died.”
- Confession to the Lord and asking forgiveness of God and others brings healing and will prevent illness and premature death.
- Psalm 51.10 – “Renew a right spirit within me.”
Immune system, natural and/or spiritually broken down?
- Our diet?
- Our environment?
- Your will to live?
- Brokenhearted?
- Any other entry point?
Cry Out
- In our affliction, when we are oppressed, when we are in travail, in sorrow, wounded, fearful, He will hear from heaven and answer. There are numerous Scriptural references to crying out to the Lord in our affliction and His hearing us and delivering us.
- “This poor man called, and cried out, and the Lord heard him; He saved him out of all his troubles.” (Psalm 34.6)
- “O Lord, my God I called to you for help, and you healed me. O Lord, you brought me up from the grave; you spared me from going down to the pit of death.” ( Psalm 30.2-3)
- “Let the whole world know what the Lord has done. Tell everyone about His miracles.” (Psalm 105 1&2)
The Battle and Prophecy
I have joked for years with those who have asked if I had concerns about the possibility of dying in an airplane crash since I travel so much. My answer has always been, “No, I have too much unfulfilled prophecy in my life!”
So, when it came to the cancer, I stood in accordance with the Word and battled:
- “Based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier…may they give you the confidence to fight well in the Lord’s battles.” 1 Timothy 1.18
- 1 Timothy 6.12 – “Fight the good fight of faith.”
- I read a Word that I felt applied to me and I stood on it and fought: “You will live a long life, and your body will be strong until the day you die.” (Job 5.26 – CEV)
- I also am reminded that one soldier is not an army. We stand in the battle together. This is a corporate war. Philippians 1.30 – “We are in this fight together. We are standing side by side fighting together for the Good News.”
- “Apprehend all you have been apprehended for.” (Philippians 3.12-13)
- You are invincible until you finish the course. (Unless of course you sin, fall away from God, etc.)
From Scott
“Paul Rhine, who was a Hollywood stuntman at the time, attended a gathering of friends at my house. In the course of the evening, it was disclosed that Paul had a great need in his life for healing. He had been diagnosed with life-threatening prostate cancer and bone cancer.
A short time later, Paul and I attended a prayer gathering at Scott Ross’ home where Scott, his wife Nedra, and others prayed for Paul. Subsequent medical diagnosis and x-rays revealed his PSA levels had gone down to a normal level.
He went from bleeding, pain, fear, sickness, and a lack of faith to live as a healed faith-filled survivor.”
From Paul’s wife at the time.
From Scott:
A man attending a meeting I was conducting of approximately 600 or more people, were witnesses to him being literally “struck” by the Holy Spirit, knocking him to the floor. I hadn’t touched the man, just announced what God was doing. The man, a male nurse, had throat cancer and was scheduled for radical neck dissection, as the cancer was engulfing the carotid artery. Following our meeting, on the morning of the scheduled surgery, the doctor was going to perform a deep biopsy; however, all the tissue was found to be negative. No cancer cells could be found! In a letter to me, he writes, “The surgery was unnecessary, I was truly healed!”
Hi Scott,
God Bless you for sending me your “Big C Doc.” It ministered to me and kept me throughout the last couple of months. I spent a good bit of time in it.
I kept focused on the Word and proclaiming the Word, including the scriptures that were in your Doc. I especially appreciated how you shared what the Big C is and IS NOT and I was absolutely proclaimed that. It is Christ, Calvary, crucified, curses broken, etc. Thank you for sharing what you went through. It indeed has been bread for me. May the Lord reward you for this. I have shared your Doc with others also.
~Diana Lenkey
Confession for Overcomers
“My body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed, and sanctified by the Blood of Jesus. My members, the parts of my body, are instruments of righteousness, yielded to God for His service and for His glory. The devil has no place in me, no power over me, no unsettled claims against me. All has been settled by the Blood of Jesus. I overcome Satan by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony, and I love not my life unto the death. My body is for the Lord and the Lord is for my body.”
I Corinthians 6.19 | 1 John 1.7 | Romans 8.33-34
Ephesians 1.7 | Hebrews 13.12 |Revelation 12.11
Psalm 107.2 |Romans 6.13 | 1 Corinthians 6.13
Courtesy Derek Prince Ministries International
Psalm 103:1-5
Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me,
Bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, my soul, and forget not all His benefits:
Who forgives all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases,
Who redeems your life from destruction,
Who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies,
Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
Thanks all and especially those who supported me in prayer. The healing process continues.
Scott Ross
EDITOR’S NOTE: Reposted with permission from the author.