The Blessing of Prayer

Dec 8, 2010 | Uncategorized

It is truly a blessing when you know people are praying for you. What a privilege it is that people, in the complexities of this life, can find time to pray for us. It is great to have true friends, but greater still if you have praying friends.

We all know the power of prayer but how many of us actually appropriate its power? How many of ud actually believe in their hearts that prayer can make a difference in our lives.

As someone who works for The 700 Club Asia, I am frequently confronted of how real the power of prayer is. But I do admit that sometimes, I may think and behave as if God cannot help me. That somehow I am the only that can solve all my problems. We do not know that God works through our prayer and through us.

We need to repent of our faithlessness. We need to acknowledge that God, through the power of the HolY Spirit. can help us through. And prayer will allow us to experience the fulness of God’s power and grace.

Its hard to completely trust Jesus. Its hard to even pray over our circumstance. God is just waiting for us to come Him and pray to Him and tell him what worries us. We need to let God be glorified in our lives and through our prayers.

“Father, I ask you in Jesus name, through the power of the Holy Spririt, reach out to us who needs a boost of faith and believe in the power of prayer. I know this is true. So I ask you right now that your glory may be revealed in our ives, in Jesus’ name….Amen!

Help us REFRESH others with the life-giving Word of God today!


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