My sister just emailed me to tell the good news that she has been cleared by her doctor of cancer. My sister, Lulu, who is 15 years older than me, was diagnosed with breast cancer probably over a year ago. She underwent chemotherapy and a mastectomy.
All through out this season that my sister went through, she did not waiver in her faith. We emailed each other and even though she was the one with cancer, I always get by her faith in Jesus. I was being enouraged by my sisters faith everytime I open my email. She is a strong woman. Very hard working too. That is probably one of the reason that she got the cancer anyway.
But that is not important right now. What is important is that God had healed and may have used medical science in the process. I have been told that my sister was fortunate that she lives in the US when this happened. Her chances of survival would be higher. But I do not believe in “fortune”. I believe in a big God! A God who can let cancer disappear from my sister’s body, never to be back again.
I love my sister. She is older than me by 15 years. She took care of me when I was little. She is a nurse by the way and a very good one at it. She sends us some money every Christmas. 😎
I want to honor her today. She is a true child of God. Ate Lulu trusted in God who is both our Father. The LORD has healed her and has proven again that our collective prayers have reached God’s ears and has commanded the disease to be gone.
Thank yo so much LORD JESUS!