Techie, Our Friend

Mar 3, 2012 | Uncategorized

Techie, left, with fellow classmates, Cristina and Cecille. This is my last photo of Techie taken with my crummy HTC phone, February 19, 2012

A friend went home to her Maker this morning. Her name was Techie. She was my classmate when I graduated from high school. After graduation I would see her after 23 long years.

I met her again in a class reunion two years ago. She was her old self. She was also better. I  found out a few other things. She was a single mother raising a beautiful daughter. She was very talented and equally creative. She was a strong person and I think a lot of people will agree.

We met a few more times after that usually when another classmate was coming home from being abroad. We chatted on Facebook a few times. A chat session in particular was when she vented out to me a hurt she had. A woman was harassing over SMS over a petty and long over issue. I took the time to listen and I knew I was able to encourage her. I now consider it as one of my best memories of her. She considered me as someone she could talk with on matters of a personal nature.

A lot of family and friends are grieving now that she is with our Lord. We truly lost a friend, a true friend. I just wish that I could have spent more time with her. I remember that I told her I wanted to shoot the Aliwan Festival that goes along Roxas Blvd. She offered that we could stay at her condo unit if ever we decided to. She was a very generous person.

I was with her the day before she went home. I prayed to God for a miracle that will extend her life. Alas, it would not be granted. The outpouring of love for her over at Facebook only shows to confirm what I have said above. I cry as I write this tribute to her. I know many others are also feeling the same.

God has a purpose for our lives. David said in 2 Samuel 15:26, “But if he (God) is through with me, then let him do what seems best to him.” His son Absalom was rebelling and has declared himself king over Israel. David in his love for his son, flees. As he left Jerusalem, he said these words because he thought that he was going to die. God may have been through with Techie, the reason God took her, what He seems best for Techie.

Techie leaves a beautiful and precious daughter. May we remember and uphold her always. May we stand with Techie’s daughter in her times of difficulty and need. May we be second fathers and mothers to her. This can be our way of honoring and remembering Techie.

Farewell my friend.

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