Superbook Launches SuperGifts Website!

Sep 5, 2015 | Uncategorized

CBN Asia Inc. officially launches the Superbook SuperGifts website where fans can join in and partner in bringing God’s love to Filipino kids any time, wherever in the world they are.

“We want to provide a way for people to partner with Superbook as we reach out to children with the love of God through this animated series,” says John Tan, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of CBN Asia, Inc.

Since the first airing of Superbook on Philippine TV, it has reached millions of families, with over 80 million viewers the past year alone. “That is an amazing number of people watching the Gospel every week and our hope is that we will be able to continue doing that,” Tan continued.

The SuperGifts website will not only enable people to donate to Superbook and help continue its airing, mall tours and outreaches, but will also provide Christian materials for children to enjoy. For every donation given through the website, children and their families* can enjoy DVD episodes of the animated series, discussion guides, and new limited edition character figurines. “We hope to provide great Christian materials so they can use it for their families, churches, and schools,” he added.

“I hope that they will continue to partner with us because the task is great,” Tan concluded. “Partner with us. Help us accomplish the task of spreading God’s love and giving hope to children. God has a great plan for them. He loves them, cares for them and He will be there–now that they are children until they grow old and have their own families. The assurance of God’s love is what we are trying to convey.  By partnering with us using the SuperGifts website and donating to the cause, you will really help us in pursuing God’s call to CBN Asia.”

Visit the Superbook SuperGifts website ( and be a part of sharing God’s great love to Filipino children!

Visit the Superbook SuperGifts website at

*At present time, SuperGifts can only be shipped to a physical Philippine address.

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