Sin and the act of committing it is no fun at all. You can sin and enjoy it–but for such a very short time. Sin has its consequence and usually, your oblivious while doing the act. Once the sin is done, then that is when guilt sets in.
As most of us know, sin takes us away from God. Jesus Christ came into this world to redeem us from sin’s hold in our lives. Jesus shed His blood because He loves us so much. When we pray to commit our lives to Jesus, we are instantly given the right to become children of God. This means that God has given us the right to call Him Father.
Now, sin is still around us. We sometimes experience a craving to come back to the sin that we so often commit when we have not yet to become a child of God. This craving can be so intense that we fall into it again. Many, many people fall into this craving and sin. And when this happens, our joy as a child of God disappears. David experienced this, just check out the verse above. David knew that he made a terrible mistake when he sinned. In this Psalm, he appeals to God to give that joy back to him. I feel the shame that he must’ve felt wen he created this Psalm.
In the following verses, David appeals to God that he be restored in His presence. He promised that when he is restored to God he will teach the lesson he learned to others also. David knew that it is different in the presence of God. Something that no sin can compare. That is why he did everything to be restored to God. He already experienced the joy of salvation and he did not want to part from it.
David in a moment of weakness succumbed to sin. But he knew that he can come back to God if he will sincerely repents of his sin. We will read in the Bible that David did repent. And He was restored.
Sin is always with us. God is even more. When we sin, we experience a very bad feeling, a feeling that cannot compare to being with God. Recognize the fact that God waits for us to come back to Him. We need to do that. We need to be humble to ask God for forgiveness because He will. He is not a god that will turn us away. He is God.