Any nation that follows the precepts of God’s Word will be blessed.
The Bible tells us in Proverbs 14:34, Righteousness exalts a nation. Today, America is at a place where the righteous who are called by God need to shine. This is not a time for us to retreat. This is not a time for us to hide our light under a bushel. This is definitely a time to shout it from the housetops because the world needs us.
Now more than ever, we must shine brightly! As Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:14, “You are the light of the world.”
This is part of the Sermon on the Mount—which, as Christians, we take as our constitution of what it means to live in the kingdom of God. For the Jewish people, their spiritual constitution is found in Leviticus chapters 19-21.
It begins, “You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.”
This call to holiness is also in the New Testament: As He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:15-16).
These are the words of the Apostle Peter—who was with Jesus at the Mount of Transfiguration, denied Him three times, and was restored. And he tells us to be holy.
The Hebrew word for holy means “set apart.” We want to be holy every moment of every day—in the world but not of the world, set apart for service to God, motivated by righteousness, and taking every thought captive to Christ.
We know that any nation that follows the precepts of God’s Word will be blessed.
So let’s pray that we would be a light, showing from our hearts and through our deeds that we want to be known as a holy people and a righteous nation. God bless you.
Excerpted from a teaching at CBN Staff Chapel. Scripture is quoted from the NKJV.