The Philippine Bible Society’s Bible Museum Tour

Feb 6, 2017 | Uncategorized

Last January 19, I had the privilege of being led on a private tour of the Philippine Bible Society’s Bible Museum along UN Avenue in Manila, the only one of its kind in the Philippines.

The author at the entrance to the museum.

We were led by PBS’s Publishing Manager, Rev. Edgar Ebejo, Ph.D. which made the tour all the more educational.

Our first stop was where it all begun (of course!) Rev. Ebejo takes us through Moses and the Torah.

A replica of a Hebrew scroll and its accompanying pouch to protect it. The length of an average Torah scroll is around 140-148 feet long.

Rev. Ebejo shows us the panel that contains the description of the first translation of the Hebrew Bible to Greek which is called the Septuagint

The author with a replica of Paul writing the epistles to the different churches in the New Testament of the Bible.

This is called a tallit, a Jewish prayer shawl worn over the outer clothes during the morning prayers.

This is a facsimile of the Codex Sinaiticus found at the Bible Museum

A scale model of the tabernacle built during Moses’ leadership

A scale model of the Ark of the covenant containing the stone tablets where God wrote the commands.

A scale model of the second temple in Jerusalem. This would be the temple where Jesus taught a lot of times.

The Bible Museum has this facsimile of the Qumran cave where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.

In a separate room of the Bible Museum you can find the Philippines’ oldest Bible, a Book of John in the Pangasinense language circa 1888.

This is a 1898 edition of the Gospel of Luke in Bikolano!

Visit the Philippine Bible Society’s Bible Museum ang get to know more about the Word of God

If you want to visit the Bible Musuem you have to first make a schedule with their Communications Group. Booking tours must be done two weeks in advance. Here are their package rates:

  • Basic Package: 50 PHP Guided Tour Available from M-F 8-5pm. Except Saturdays and Holidays
  • Scripture Package: 80 PHP Guided Tour+ Cosplay + Scripture Materials Souvenir
  • Film Showing Tour Package: 80 PHP Guided Tour+ Cosplay + Film Showing
  • Primer Package: 120 PHP Guided Tour+ Cosplay + Film Showing + Bible Primer
  • Hebrew Writing Package: 120 PHP Guided Tour+ Cosplay + Hebrew Alphabet Writing Workshop


890 United Nations Avenue
Ermita, 1000 Manila, Philippines
Tel. #: (63.2) 526-7777
Fax #: (63.2) 521-5788

E-mail: [email protected]


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