OMF Literature Launches new book for the brokenhearted: Basag

May 24, 2017 | Uncategorized

OMF Literature, Inc. will launch one of its latest releases, Basag: Bachelor in Nursing a Broken Heart, Major in Moving On by Prexy Calvario, on May 27, Saturday, 3-6pm at the OMF Lit Boni Ave. Bookshop in Mandaluyong.

More than another hugot book, Basag is an honest, funny, gritty, and candid story of a young woman who suffered a broken heart, did questionable things in her search for love and found peace through an encounter with Christ. Written in conversational Taglish, Basag was written as an instructive tale to help brokenhearted women heal and find God in the midst of the process.

The launch event will feature a meet-and-greet and book signing with the author, an acoustic session and an open mic. To join, simply register at any OMF Lit Bookshop and pay the P150 registration fee which will entitle you to receive an autographed copy of Basag, a journal notebook, and snacks at the event. Only 40 slots are available, so register soon! For more information, please call OMF Lit bookshop at +63(2)531 43 03 local 201 or 203 or email [email protected].

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