Matthew 7:24-25

Oct 12, 2010 | Uncategorized

Last year, in September, we experienced one of the most devastating flooding in my life. Almost everybody knows about it. It was the flooding brought about by typhoon Ondoy. For the first time, our barangay in Marikina City was flooded, at least 6 – 7 feet. Inside our apartment, the water rose to just below my waist line. Right before the waters stopped rising, I was already fearing the most, that we may have to evacuate.

I was blessed that the floodwaters started receding before it became worse. But in many other parts of our city, it was a bleak situation. When I went to my mother-in-laws house, in another barangay after the waters receded, I was saddened to learned that their two-storey house was buried in over 25 feet of raging river water. Almost everything they owned was either washed away or was brown with mud.

If you were in this situation, how would you feel?

If your faith does not have  strong foundation, you could have cursed at God. Along with the floodwaters, your faith could have been literally washed away. I praised God that my family was hugely spared. We were able to bring our “material possessions” to a safer level. We were largely unscathed.

If my house or my possessions were under 25 feet of water, would I be even be able to praise God. I really do not know. I hope that may still be a testimony of God’s goodness even in those times. I hope that my faith will stand strong as if it was founded on strong and steady rocks. I pray that Jesus will always make me strong, for my help only comes from Him and Him alone.

Father, please make us strong in the day of your testing. May we exhibit a strong foundation, glorifying Jesus in any way for this is God’s will for us.

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