Even as a child, I wondered why people who got married for 25 years get to celebrate what we call their silver anniversary. Science may have revealed why!
According to Wikipedia, silver exhibits the highest electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and reflectivity of any metal.
Electricity is power! Like silver, people who are in great godly marriages, allow the power of the Holy Spirit to flow within their marriages to make it a piece of heaven on earth. The number of failed marriages attest to the fact that it takes God’s power and grace for marriages to survive and thrive! And God is gracious enough not only to make marriages survive and thrive but to make it enjoyable like no other!
Thermal conductivity is like love flowing unconditionally between the husband and the wife! The warmth of love flowing through marriage makes the bond strong. And as the years go by and as the intimacy of the wife and the husband goes stronger, love flows without any restrictions! And as the popular love song by Goldfinger goes, “I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow!”Reflectivity of silver describes what great marriages ought to be, a reflection of God’s love! As Jesus Christ loves the church, the husband and the wife mirrors this and offers a great example of what God’s love is really all about. Maybe this is why God’s enemy wants a lot of marriages destroyed! Because in all of
The reflectivity of silver describes what great marriages ought to be, a reflection of God’s love! As Jesus Christ loves the church, the husband and the wife mirrors this and offers a great example of what God’s love is really all about. Maybe this is why God’s enemy wants a lot of marriages destroyed! Because in all of the human experiences, nothing can describe the intimacy that God wants to have with his people like marriage!Electrical conductivity, thermal
Electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and reflectivity. God’s power, God’s love, God’s reflection! Dedicated to my wife of almost 25 years, my Pie, my love, my best friend! Happy 25th wedding anniversary in 3 days!
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