LORD, Give Me a Deeper Faith

Aug 6, 2015 | Uncategorized

Photo by Flickr user uditha wickramanayaka licensed under Creative Commons

Photo by Flickr user uditha wickramanayaka licensed under Creative Commons

By Edwin D. Arceo

I came from a wake this evening. The deceased was the father of a long-time friend. We arrived just as the mass was starting. I was not really raised a Catholic but I decided to stay and listen. One part of the message that struck me was when the priest mentioned about what we usually pray for to God. He said that most people pray for more money, a long life or power. Why not pray for more or deeper faith he said.

I think those were words from the Lord. God does speak to us in ways that we do not expect.

And I believe that those word are true. I, personally, usually ask the Lord for a better health. But why do I not ask the Lord for a deeper faith? Maybe I had but I can’t remember. Those words resounded in my heart. Sometimes our prayers can be so shallow. It can also be selfish. We only pray for what we think we need. As the priest said, I do not really pray for more or deeper faith–which is more important.

This is the verse the priest cited: He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” Luke 17:6

Father, please increase my faith. May I have the faith to stop praying for myself and to start praying for others.

Note: This article was originally published October 3, 2010

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