Logos Hope is in Manila!

Mar 7, 2012 | Uncategorized

GBA Ships’ MV Logos Hope is in Manila from February 17 – March 13, 2012 t Pier 15, Berth 4, South Harbor, Manila.

What is Logos Hope? Its  a ship. It s a floating library. It goes from port to port and opening its doors to the public and offering a wide array of books at great prices. What is great? You can buy a new book for 25 pesos. New! There are children’s books, cookbooks, i hope they have photography books on board.

I plan to go there as well. I need to. I’ve been wanting to go there. I will bring my family. My youngest son would be thrilled just to be able to go inside a big ship. Me? I hope to buy a ton of books.

See you there? We’ve got five days left!

Below is their press release when it opened its doors to the public last February 17.

Logos Hope has been officially opened in Manila by Honourable Secretary Herminio ‘Sonny’ B. Coloma Jr. of the Presidential communications operation office. Speaking to an audience which included Mayor of Manila Alfredo Lim, Bishop Ef Tendero and other officials and the media, the Honourable Secretary said the Logos Hope crew “open new worlds of opportunities” by bringing the ship to the Philippines. He thanked crewmembers “for bringing knowledge, help and hope to the Filipino people.” Some of the crew wore their national costumes to form a Parade of Nations before Gian Walser (Switzerland), the ship’s director, presented the Honourable Secretary with a gift of books. After the audience heard crewmembers sing in an African choir, they saw the Honourable Secretary cut a ribbon to open the book fair in Manila.

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