On September 20, the Palestinian Authority will submit its bid at the United Nations General Assembly to establish a Palestinian State inside the nation of Israel, within the lands retaken by the Jews after the Six-Day War of 1967.
These lands are the very spiritual heart of Israel: East Jerusalem, site of the Holy Temple, Western Wall, Mount of Olives, Via Dolorosa, Calvary, Gethsemane and other sites held sacred by Jews and Christians all over the world.
- East Jerusalem is being eyed as the capital of a Palestinian State populated mostly by Muslims who reject the Bible as the Word of God and Jesus Christ as Almighty God. Freedom of pilgrimage and worship in these holy sites could be hampered or forbidden.
- Also won in 1967 is the West Bank, Biblical Judea and Samaria, the site of Bethlehem, Jericho and Shechem, where God promised the land of Canaan to Abraham’s descendants forever. Here also is Hebron, the burial place of Jewish patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
- The Golan Heights is also strategic as one of Israel’s main water sources. The melting snow from the mountains of the Golan forms the Jordan River and flows down into the Galilee. In Syrian hands, these waters could be controlled.
- Israel will also be reduced to an indefensible nine-mile strip, with every Israeli city within attack range of terrorists.
The resolution to create a Palestinian State inside Israel’s 1967 borders poses a clear and credible threat to the security and sovereignty of the only democratic nation in the Middle East and the roots of Christian faith.
The Bible poses a spiritual law that is true even for our times. God promised Abraham:
“I will make you into a great nation… and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse.” (Genesis 12:3)
“In those days…I will gather all nations and bring them to the Valley of Jeshoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.” (Joel 3:2)
“The Day of the Lord is near for all nations. As you have done (unto Israel) it will be done unto you.” (Obadiah 1:15)
As the future of God’s chosen nation once more hangs in a delicate balance, Filipinos can do something. Join Christian Broadcasting Network Asia in praying for and standing with Israel.
Pray that our Philippine delegation to the upcoming United Nations General Assembly will vote NO to a Palestinian State. Pray that President Noynoy Aquino will use his power and authority to ensure such a vote. Pray that he and our government representatives will understand the importance and divine purpose of Israel in God’s plan for the redemption of the nations.
May the Philippines bless Israel and be blessed!
- SUPPORT the No to Yisrael Partition (NOYP) movement and appeal to President Benigno Aquino III and the Philippine delegation to the United Nations General Assembly to cast a NO vote against the creation of a Palestinian State. Sign their petition on www.projectnoyp.org or like them at www.facebook.com/NOYPProject.
- WATCH Peter Kairuz’s appeal to Filipinos for solidarity to support and stand with Israel. Click HERE to watch the video.
- LISTEN to Pat Robertson as he urgently calls for everyone to pray at this critical time, bless Israel and ask God to intervene on her behalf. Access his audio message HERE.
- REFLECT on the thoughts by The 700 Club Asia host Felichi Pangilinan-Buizon on how God’s heart is grieved by the tumultuous situation happening in Israel. Read her blog HERE.
- READ on the ongoing struggle for peace and sovereignty between Israel and Palestine, and why Christians should stand with God’s Promised Land. Begin your research HERE.