Learning to Depend on God

Nov 2, 2015 | Uncategorized


By Gordon P. Robertson, CEO, The Christian Broadcasting Network

The more we think we know, and the more we rely on our own wisdom, the more we miss out. God delights in revealing secret things to the foolish. As Jesus says in Matthew 11:25, “I thank You, Father … that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes.”

I remember preaching in India when I didn’t know how to preach to Hindus or Muslims. That was good, because God had to step in.

One Sunday, we had been on the road since 8 a.m., traveling among small churches in a remote area of Andhra Pradesh. It was so hot—about 115 degrees—that the breeze felt like a hairdryer. I had preached in four churches and we were on our way to the fifth when we got lost late that afternoon.

I was tired, hot, and ready to give up. Thinking I knew what I was doing, I said, “Let’s just stop.” So we did. And a person came running out of a building, saying, “I’m so glad you’re here!”

We discovered that a group had heard about us and didn’t know how to contact us—yet they had been waiting three hours in the heat for us to come!

I felt as if I had nothing left to give, so I asked God for a message. He answered, “Tell them the promises of Abraham are theirs.”

I argued, “God, they are Hindus. They’ve never heard of Abraham and won’t know those promises.”

He spoke to my heart again: “Tell them the promises of Abraham are theirs.” So I read them Galatians 3, saying, “You’re inheritors. You get what God promised Abraham.”

At the time, I didn’t know India has the second highest population of Muslims in the world. In this little village was a Muslim girl who had heard about Jesus and came to find out about Him.

When I said the promises of Abraham were for her, she understood exactly what that meant—and she wanted all of those blessings. She was filled with the Holy Spirit to such an incredible degree that light literally started coming from her face. It was an anointed moment, and I was glad I’d lost my argument.

We simply must be willing, hungry and thirsty, like little babes crying out to God—and He will reveal His glory. God bless you.

Scripture is quoted from the NKJV. This teaching was given during a CBN staff chapel meeting.

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